Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit.
Model Answer:
I do not agree with the statement that businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. I state my opinion on the following points.
First of all, every company must have its moral code. It means that a company should treat its clients properly and respect their rights. Of cause a company may lose a part of its profit but security of its clients must be on the first place. Otherwise, clients will switch to another company and never be back. For instance, a few years ago "Jonson&Jonson" produced a new type of painkillers. Unfortunately, this product was not tested properly. As a result of this many people died and received injures. The president of the company made a crucial decision to call back all painkillers from all distributors and pay to all injured customers for their treatment. It cost a lot of money for the company but it saved its image and clients. It was a very difficult decision, but the president of the company understood that it would cost him even more in the future because he would not be able to return clients' respect. Loosing customers means for a company loosing its profit.
Second of all, in order to succeed in the modern world companies have to compete with each other. Many companies lose their profit decreasing prices on their products. They do not aspire for extra profit but for clients' satisfaction. Companies do it because they want their products sold and their customers satisfied. They offer discounts, free delivery, free service, free Internet access, good return service, etc. All these are done to make their old customers happy and attract new clients.
To sum up, I think a company, which the only goal is profit will not succeed nowadays. Otherwise, companies that respect their clients and want to see them satisfied will make a fortune.
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