Some people consider the government' s financial support for artists' work to be a waste of money because arts are less important than other public services such as health care, education and transportation. I think this is a one-sided view.
There is no denying that in many cases the government' s budget is rather limited. People hope this money can be spent on public services that are more closely relevant to their welfare. For instance, if the government invests more in building Subways, city dwellers can have more conveniences in traveling, with much less traffic congestion. Similarly, by establishing more hospitals, the government can provide better medical services for its citizens.
However, giving priority to the construction of infrastructure does not mean the government's support for artists is worthless. Artists work is an indispensable part in both people' s lives and social progress. Arts provide people with various means of entertainment. In their spare time, people may need to go to the concert hall, gallery or theatre where they can appreciate the beauty of arts and re lieve the stress from life and work. Moreover,atistic works are regarded as valuable assets of society, representfrig a nation's cultural identity. The government has the obligation to fund some artistic programmes so that artists can better create excellent works.
Although some aspects seem to be more important to us, we should not neglect or deny the role of arts in our lives. The benefits of investment on artists' work maybe less visible, but arts meet people's spiritual needs and facilitate the cultural prosperity of the country.
( 260words )
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