A healthy diet is an extremely important part of our life. Now the question is: Who should take more responsibilities for our healthy diet? As diet is both a public affairand a personal choice, I would suggest that the government and individuals have equal share of responsibilities for a healthy diet.
Yet, rather than simply a personal issue, food is always also a social issue in terms of its production, distribution and consumption. In this sense, the government has a significant role to play in making sure that food on its citizens' table is healthy. On the one hand, the government should make strict laws and regulations to ensure the quality of food produced and sold in market. On the other hand, the government should also avail of every opportunity to educate its citizens about the types of food they should eat to stay healthy.
Many people might argue that what to eat is a matter of personal preference, so it is people themselves who should try to make sure what they eat is healthy. In the supermarket, for instance, people should purchase fresh food and fruits and avoid buying expired food no matter how cheap it might be. When they dine out in restaurants, they should choose those that provide clean and healthy food rather than those that sell cheap food. Furthermore, if one is overweight, he/she could choose to avoid eating high calories food like bananas, chocolates, and sea food. Anyway, this line of thought would think that individuals are fully responsible for eating food that is healthy to their health.
To sum up, in order for our food to be healthy, both individuals and the government have their share of, though different, responsibilities. A healthy diet would only be possible with the efforts made by both individuals and the government.
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