The purpose of education has been discussed by many and I believe it is to fulfill personal ambitions and become valuable members of society.
To achieve personal growth and success is the starting point of people receiving education. In order to achieve this end, parents and teachers help the young to learn what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world. Only by finding out these answers can a young person be ready to live independently.
However, to survive and prosper, as an individual, either at school or in society, cooperation is essential, or the importance of which can be hardly exaggerated. No one can solely rely on his or her own talents to achieve success. Therefore, understanding and learning how to cooperate with others and how to contribute to the life of one's community is highlighted in schooling today. That is the reason why schools today provide moral and ethical education which is reflected in activities such as unpaid community work. Helping students experience working and living with people from a whole variety of backgrounds is the key to get them ready for the wider society outside of campus.
To conclude, living in a world where people become increasingly interdependent, people should be reminded of the fact that the achievement of personal aspirations and goals is not at the expense of one's social responsibility, and a well-balanced education will be most conductive to both individual and social progress.
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