Describe an interesting place you have visited.
You should say:
where it is
what you can do there
and why you think it's an interesting place.
I'm going to describe an interesting city that I've visited which is London. London is the capital city of England and it is in the southeast of the country. And I think it is an great place to visit
There are many things to do in London because it is famous for its history, culture, art, museums. But I think most tourists go there to see tourist attractions like Big Ben, The Tower of London, or Buckingham Palace. You can get a fantastic view of the city from the 'London Eye' which is a big wheel right beside the river Times in the middle of the city. London is also famous for its theatres and shows in the West End for the shopping, restaurants and also for the nightlife There are endless things to see and do there.
The reason I think London is an interesting place is its exciting and busy atmosphere, it is really a busy and hectic city, and it is very cosmopolitan with people from all over the world and people with different culture background mixing together. So I think this makes unique. It's a historic city but modern at the same time, and it's also thriving place.
there are some negatives. London is extremely expensive. the cost of living has been high. and it is a crowded, stressful place. There is pollution. People complain the underground system is dirty. The locals are always in a hurry and can sometimes be unfriendly. But I think these are problems you can find in most big cities. So for me London is really an interesting city worth visiting for those reasons
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