Global warming 全球变暖
Gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat from the sun
This causes global temperatures to rise
This process is known as the greenhouse effect
Human activity is a major factor in the rise of the greenhouse gases
Factories and vehicles produce emissions and exhaust fumes
Many developing countries are becoming industrialized
The number of cars on our streets is growing
Cheap air travel is allowing more people to fly
Effects of Global Warming
Global warming will have a significant impact on our planet
Rising temperature will cause melting of the polar ice caps
Sea levels will rise
We can expect more extreme weather conditions
Flooding and droughts may become more common
Impacts of humans on the environment 人类对环境的影响
The increasing world population is putting pressure on natural resources
Fossil fuels like oil and gas are running out
We are destroying wildlife habitats
We have cut down enormous areas of rainforest
This has led to the extinction of many species of animals and plants
Solutions to environment problems 环境问题的解决办法
Governments could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories
They should invest in renewable energy from solar, wind or water power
They could impose "green taxes" on drivers and airlines companies
Government campaigns should promote recycling
Natural areas and wild animals should be protected
Individuals should also try to be greener
We should take fewer flights abroad for holidays
We should take public transport rather than driving
We should choose products with less packaging
We should recycle as much as possible
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