Problems in developing countries发展中国家问题
Developing countries face a range if problems
Standards of healthcare and education are low
Life expectancy is usually lower than in developed countries
There is a lack of infrastructure, employment and good quality housing
Many people are forced to live in poverty
Food, drinking water and basic medicines are in short supply
How to help developing countries怎样帮助发展中国家
The best form of help for developing countries is development aid
Richer nations can help by investing in long-term projects
Governments and charities can help by building new houses and schools
Globalization may also help developing countries
Multi-national companies can creating jobs in developing countries
On the other hand, many people emigrate to find work in richer countries
They often sand money back home to their families
This money helps to improve the standard of living in developing countries
Some people move to another countries in search of a better life
Many immigrants come from less developed countries
Richer, industrialized countries may offer opportunities for employment
Free healthcare and schooling are available in some developed countries
Other people migrate to a foreign country to improve their academic qualifications
Positives of immigration and Multi-cultural societies多元文化积极面
From an economic perspective, immigration can be extremely positive
Many immigrants have skills that are needed in the country they move to
Immigrants who find work contribute to the economy of their new country
Many immigrants send money home to help family members
Immigration also creates cultural diversity
People of many different nationalities learn to live together
This can help people to become more open-minded and tolerant
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