Are pets good for mankind?
1. Pets are of particular importance to children in this Plastic Age when most of us live in large cities.
2. Watching the everyday activities of a pet helps a child to understand nature and cope with problems.
3. Learning to care for a pet helps a child to grow up into a loving adult who feels responsible towards those dependent on him.
4. The great virtue of pets is that they can keep us company.
5. A pet is kept as a companion that makes us feel happy. It's suggested that pets should be sent to astronauts in a spacecraft to help reduce their loneliness.
6. Besides providing mere companionship, pets invite us to love and be loved.
7. Often a cat or a dog can comfort us at times when human words don't help.
8. Animals can communicate with each other in their particular way. They communicate with human beings, too, for they are quick to sense anger and sorrow.
9. People keep pets for emotional rather than economic reasons.
10. A pet dog brings its master (owner) a sense of confidence, for he cell see in the dog that faithfulness does exist and he does have something to trust.
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