Task:Life expectancy at birth in 7 countries worldwide.
1. 分段原则为:按照数据的大小对比分一段,女性比男性多分一段。
2. 注意描述一类数据(Max, Min, Avg)。
3. 类比模式下,应该重点描述数据的差异,可通过减法和除法进行比较。eg.在美国,男女之间的寿命差异最大,为5年。
This bar chart compares how long people can expect to live in seven different countries.
We can see that in each of the seven countries people have a life expectancy of between63 years and 83 years. People will live longest in Canada at 83 years and the United States (81 years), while Bangladesh has the lowest life expectancy at just 63 years. Of the other countries, Turkey, Vietnam, Iran and India all have a similar level close to the average of 73 years.
We should also note that women are expected to live longer than men in all these countries. On average, females will live approximately 4 years longer than men, although there are differences here. The greatest difference is in the United States (about 5 years),while in Iran females are expected to live only 2 years longer than men. However, the major exception is Bangladesh where both genders have the same life expectancy.
Thus, we can see there are comparisons to be made in life expectancy both in geographical location and gender.
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