Task:Information of employment rates across 6 countries in 1995 and 2005.
1. 分段原则为:按照数据的共性和趋势分段,eg. 男性均多于女性为一段;从1995到2005都增长为一段。
2. 注意一类数据的描述(MAX,MIN,AVG)。
3. 举例的时候注意描述改变量,eg. 美国女性的就业比例增长了16%。
The bar chart shows changes in employment rates in six countries between 1995 and 2005, for men and women. Overall, more people were employed as the time went by, and the proportions of male employment were universally higher.
The first common ground is that women had lower employment rates in all countries at all times. For example, in 1995, the biggest difference between males (60%) and females (25%) was found in New Zealand, with 35%. Similarly, in 2000, this gap slowly decreased to 30%, still huge. UK had the closest rates between men and women, showing the difference of 4% in 1995, and of 10% in 2000, respectively.
The second trend indicates that in all countries shown, figures for both men and women improved. Specifically, in terms of male rates, Iceland owned the highest proportion and fast change from 70% (1995) to over 80% (2000). The biggest increase in male data went to UK by nearly 20%. In the level of female rates, the average increase rate was about 11%, and USA saw the sharpest rise by 16% over the decade.
In conclusion, all the countries in the graph showed men had relatively higher employment rate throughout the period, and more and more people appear to be entering the labor market.
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