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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  An increasing number of people are changing their careers. What are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative?


  首段:争议焦点 + 个性开篇 + (写作目的)

  Nothing has  received more debate than multiple career choice. Although we may pride ourselves on our reasonable careers, we are no longer free to depend on a single career, for some people become well-educated and cherish big ambition, therefore, fewer people wish to work the same job day in and day out.


  点评:本文也可不写首段尾句:This essay aims to explore the reasons of job-hopping and then discuss its pros and cons. 但是,文无定法。本文的创新是争议焦点在背景介绍之前。


  The reasons of constant job transition are manifold. Here, some of them will be explored. First, young workers are generally attracted by high salary and possible job-promotion and chances of self-improvement in new job opportunities. Further, many enterprises have been experienced economic downturn, thus sliming down isinevitable. Meanwhile, world markets seem to be always fluctuating. Individual cannot expect to have the same job.


  点评:完美的原因的展开:主观谈及客观。slim down v 精简机构


  Seen from the positive aspects, a number benefits could be gained via job-hopping. The most glaring merit is that one could establish well-connected interpersonal relationship, which usually brings about more space for career development. Meanwhile, diverse cultures of different enterprises could be experienced, Another virtue deriving from multiple career choice is that job hoping means a broad range of work and life experience and constant refreshment. Conversely,single career choice sometimes means absenteeism and slack in working. Last,one could acquire various vocational skills, accumulate rich working experience, in this sense, one could embrace more opportunities of success.




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