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  Some people think teaching children different abilities together benefits everyone, others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


  分析:私塾教育应不应该被采纳这个话题之前出现地很少,但是跟网络教育的观点很类似。不论教育模式怎样,它的功能永远都是1. 学习理论知识;2. 提高基本素质;3. 帮助身体发育。那么我们就可以根据这几点来组织文章的内容。



  The revolution of education has always been a vital concern for many educationalists, thus giving rise to a controversy over which kind of teaching pattern is the most appropriate for children who have different learning capacity.

  Admittedly, big-class teaching is known as the most common way of teaching as it gives a facility to feasible team work activities, which not only cultivates a sense of cooperation and a sense of competition in students, but also teaches them a lesson about how to deal with peer pressure. These qualities are considered rather significant in an adolescent's life. But for those who have high intelligence, the advantages just identified above do not hold water, due to the fact that they learn in a far fast pace than those normal ones do. The result of this is either that competent learners are demotivated or that incompetent ones are depressed.

  However, reaching the conclusion that massive teaching is not advantageous for ingenious students does not mean that they should be classed into individual learning group. Instead, improving the downsides of teaching together pattern seems to be more relevant. This is because one to one teaching is proved likely to impede children's development both mentally and physically, which are also of great importance in education. It is not a rare occurrence that closed learning environment results in difficulties in getting along with others as well as in facing challenges in future life. Additionally, a lack of P.E programe as normal classes do is the reason behind health problems of youth.

  I therefore believe that acquiring abilities together provides opportunities to exploit learners' potentials by arguing each other and learning from others, this is the best way for them to distinguish the strength and weakness from others'.




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