Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Mankind and many animal species used to share the same planet. However, the harmonious co-existence has not been the case since the accelerating pace of human civilization. Regardless of some pessimistic views that the conflict between human and nature is irreconcilable, I am of the opinion that it is never too late to reverse this situation.
It is true, to some extent, that the development of human civilization has undermined the natural evolution of many plant and animal species. Population growth, which began with the advent of industrialization, has broken the balance between human beings and the nature. More untouched and primitive forests have disappeared, and increasing numbers of animals are slaughtered due to the unquenchable desire of human beings for some valuable resources from animals and plants.
However, the circumstances are not so bleak as the pessimists suppose and there are more methods to handle this problem. The growingly in-depth research into animals and plants gives access to more effective means to protect some endangered species from dying out. For example, the genetic technology can be fully utilized to reproduce some animals and plants which are on the brink of danger and extinction, and GPS can be employed to locate and pinpoint some rare animal species, making it more convenient to collect some first-hand information which can be used for the protection of the corresponding species.
Personally, I hold the belief that there are likely to be a rosy picture of the relationship between human and the nature. As human being's awareness of sustainable development increases, chances are that more regulations and laws will be issued to guide and curb human being's behavior. Some dirty practices such as poaching, deforestation and over exploitation of animal resources will possibly be alleviated.
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