Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Many spectators would be too exhilarated to resist their feelings when they see their national flag rise with the national anthem in Olympic Games. These sports feats can hardly be achieved without some specialized facilities to train the most promising sportsmen. Although patriotism can be aroused by excellent performance, I hold the view that more sports facilities should be built to cater for the public.
One latent problem for the intended construction of specialized facilities exclusively for sportsmen is that it may dampen public’s enthusiasm for sports. Being discouraged from using the sports facilities, they are likely to believe that the access to sports is only a priority to a small group of top athletes. Whether these facilities can be utilized is based on how much contribution to the country people can make instead of the basic principle that each individual has the right to shape their bodies with some sports facilities.
It may also lead to a result that the potential talent pool of gifted athletes will be drained and lose its continuous supply. Most top sportsmen are not born to the stars, and their aptitude of sports occurs when they are jogging on the playground, playing tennis in the tennis court and running on the football pitch. Without the sports facilities accessible to the common people, their sports talent is unlikely to be found and then fully harnessed.
There are certainly some benefits of the specialized facilities construction. The top sportsmen can be professionally trained without much disturb of the public, thereby concentrating on their physical practice. They can also make full use of these facilities to boost their body and improve their professionalism. However, the beneficiaries are narrowly constrained with a small proportion of people and the sports resources are somewhat wasted.
In conclusion, the benefit of sports facilities should be enjoyed by more individuals rather than only meet the needs of the sports elites.
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