逗号表示句子内部的一般性停顿。两个具有独立含义的句子,在没有连词的情况下简单地被一个逗号隔开是不正确的。改正这样的错误须用句号或分号代替逗号,或用并列连词(and, but, or, so, nor, yet)连接两个句子,或用从属连词(because,as, although等),否则会导致句子出现语法错误。
错例:Some people believe children in secondaryschool should study international news as a subject, others think that'sa waste of time.
正解:Some people believe children in secondaryschool should study international news as a subject. However, others think that's a waste of time.
或:Some people believe children in secondaryschool should study international news as a subject, but others think that's a waste of time.
1. Students should do some housework, it is goodfor them to be independent.
2. They are far away from parents and friends, theycan deal with everything by themselves.
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