Argument A (and B) about DOING C . What's your opinion about it ?
1、An important question facing us today is
(1)提出问题。 Some argue that
(2)观点 A. For example,
(3)举例说明观点 A. Again,
(4)进一步阐述观点 A.Opponents of this view say that
(5)观点 B. They claim that
(6)全面阐述 B.In my part, there are merits to both of these arguments. We should
(7)我们应该赞同 A 。At the same time,
(8)同时也不能忽视 B.
2、Nowadays almost everynoe discusses about whether AAA is desirable. People's views on it are differient. Some people believe A. they argue that
(1)阐述观点 A. People who believe B, on the other hand ,argue that
(2)阐述观点 B. They maintain that
(3)进一步阐述观点B. There is certain some truth on both sides, yet neither provides a satisfactory answer. In my view,
(4)我的观点。We should
(5)进一步阐述我的观点。As such, (6) 这样做能带来的好处。
3、AAA is a question of controversy. People have different notions about the matter: some hold that
(1)观点 A. Others think
(2)观点 B. Therefore, I would like to have a look at the question in this essay. One of the strong points is that
(3)AAA 的优势之一。Moreover,
(4)AAA 的优势之二。In fact,
(5)举例说明。On the other hand,
(6)AAA 的劣势之一。In addition,
(7)AAA 的劣势之二。For example,
(8)举例说明。As shown above, I would like to say that
(9)总结我的观点。So, each case should be reviewed and coucluded on the basis of facts.
4、People who support AAA hold that
(1)观点 A. Perhaps this is true, but it can not be denied that
(2)我提出反对意见。 I think it is important to take a glance at the argument on both sides. On one side ,people may have reasons to believe AAA. The most important reason is
(3)人们支持 AAA 的理由之一。In addition,
(4)人们支持 AAA 的理由之二。For instance,
(6)人们支持 AAA 的理由之三。On the other hand, people who attack AAA claim that
(7)观点 B. They also say that there will be problems of
(8)AAA 带来的问题。 As far as I am concerned, I come to the notion that everything in the world has its own two sides. Generally, AAA is acceptable in some cases. However, problems do exist. We should take more efficient measues to avoid and minimize them.
(1)题目中问题。However, this situation has raised controversy. Some people say that
(2)观点 A. They point out that
(3)进一步阐述观点 A. For example,
(4)举例说明。On the other hand, others say that
(5)观点 B. In my opinion, neither sider is completely reght. It is true that
(6)我的观点。For instance,
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