To sum up, the student enrollment and the sales realized at Onlytoya College in 2007 both achieved rapid development.
To sum up, the two programs offered at Toya—IELTS and TOEFL, showed a strong momentum of development though it was unbalanced.
To sum up, the income of Toya teachers showed a very optimistic growth during the designated period of time.
To sum up, with the increase of IELTS in China, the number of IELTS candidates showed a fast growth.
To sum up, during the designated period of time, the frequency of Toya students eating out at restaurants revealed a constant increase.
To sum up, the student enrollment at Toya Headquarters and its five branch schools revealed a very quick development during the designated period of time.
To sum up, through the analysis of the students’ information at Toya, we find that the majority of them wanted to go abroad.
To summarize, the family backgrounds of the students studying for IELTS were generally superior to the family backgrounds of those who studied for TOEFL.
To summarize, the IELTS scores of girls were much higher than those of boys at Toya during the designated period of time.
To summarize, the percentage of male IELTS candidates was much higher than that of male TOEFL candidates during the designated period of time.
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