Positives of genetic engineering积极面
Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism
It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases
Some genetically modified crops grow more quickly
Some drugs and vaccines are produced by genetic engineering
It may become possible to change human's genetic characteristics. Scientists may use genetic engineering to cure diseases.
Inherited illnesses would no longer exist
Genes could be changed before a baby is born
It could also be possible to clone human organs
We could all have replacement body part
Humans could live longer, healthier lives
Negatives of genetic engineering消极面
There are ethical concerns about human genetic engineering
Parents might want to choose their children's characteristics
This would be unnatural
It would be unacceptable in most religions
Soldiers could be cloned from the genes of the strongest people
Clones might be used like robots to do certain jobs
Clones might even be developed just for organ replacements
Society and human evolution would change completely
Currently, human genetic engineering is prohibited
Genetically-Modified (GM) foods: Advantages转基因食物:优势
Farmers can produce crops that grow bigger and faster
Some GM crops are more resistant to disease or insects
This could be important for food production in developing countries
Faster growing cereals, fruit and vegetables will mean more profit
GM foods can be modified to look perfect
They may be more attractive to customers
Genetically-Modified (GM) Foods: Disadvantages劣势
There may be risks involved in the genetic engineering of foods.
GM crops might change whole ecosystems
Food chains could be broken if crops are resistant to predators
Organic foods are produced without chemicals or genetic modification
Organic farming may be slower and more expensive
However, the environment is not damaged by fertilizers or pesticides.
6月25日雅思大作文:It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances have made greater changes to the range and quality of our food. Some people regard it as an improvement while others believe that the change is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
现代农业的好坏 Some people support development of agriculture, like factory farming and scientific creation of fruits and vegetables, while others oppose. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
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