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  Computer, the most exciting and significant invention in 20 century, will reshape our lives and our world. As a result, some people proclaim that computers should be involved into our classroom, and replace the roles of human teachers. However, I cannot agree with their point of view.

  Admittedly, as the useful tools, computers can become the optimum assistants for human teachers in the classroom. To beginning, vivid pictures shown on screen can motivate students' interest and curiosity dramatically. Moreover, the combination of computers and Internet can provide children the abundant information. Although computers enjoy considerable merits, they cannot compare with human teachers for two main reasons.

  Among countless factors which influence my inclination, there is a most conspicuous one: computers are not as qualified as human teachers in academic fields. As we all know, students can get the final result of a mathematic question under the help of computers, however, they are still confused on the whole computing process. By contrast, our human teachers' performance is much better in those cases. They not only can teach students how to analyze and compute the question, but also can remind them what are the possible errors that they may meet. Thus, human teachers are more adequate than computers in academic aspect.

  The second advantage of human teachers is they can guide students to deal with some psychological problems that they meet in schools. In China, sometimes, teachers even burden many responsibilities that students' parents have. For example, as for the student with rebellious spirit, the important duty for teachers is to prevent the student from campus violence, even crime. Obviously, computers cannot do that.

  In summary, from what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the positions of human teachers are unshakable, and computers cannot take the places of them.



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