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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  Describe what you would do if you receive a lot of money.

  I would definitely donate at least one third of the money to the charity so that the poor could be financially supported.

  Describe a musical instrument (Guitar)So effective has playing guitar been proved to attract girls that the number of college guys learning it has been soaring.

  Describe a clothing brand you like.

  There are a lot of clothing brands I adore, with Armani being my favorite.

  Describe a city you have visited.

  Sydney is known for a number of beautiful scenic spots, with the Sydney Opera House being the most most impressive.


  Describe a schoolmate of yours.

  So popular was he that he was said to have attracted the attention from talent scouts.


  It is necessary for us to adopt more security measures in cities in order not to repeat such tragedies.


  I think children's behaving badly is the parents' fault.


  Quite a number of people believe that letter writing's being replaced by mobile phones is an inevitable trend.

  Do people take as much exercise as in the past?

  Facing ever-fierce competition today, most people today are stressed-out and no longer taking as much as exercise as in the past.

  Describe your career so far.

  Having graduated from the university, I was offered a job from a multinational company as a market assistant,mainly taking charge of the collection of marketing statistics.



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