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  • 雅思听力选择题解题技巧分析(2)

    In 1908, scientists in Japan A made monosodium glutamate B began using kombu C identified glutamate 思路透析:典型的雅思3选1单选题。经过审题后发现,A,C选项都为动词加名词的结构,而且名词都是gluta... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力选择题解题技巧分析(3)

    What does the speaker say about university accommodation on campus? A. Most places are given to undergraduates. B. No places are available for postgraduates with families. C. A limited number of places are available for new postgraduates. 读... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力选择题解题技巧分析(4)

    Travelite currently offer walking holidays A. only in Western Europe. B. all over Europe. C. outside Europe. 读题:名词关键词是旅行社的名字Travelite, 副词关键词是时间状语currently, 强调的是目前的,不是将... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力关系词讲解

    并列关系词:Cambridge 4 Test 1 Section 1 Visit places which have: historical interest good 1 ………… 2 ………… 本题中,虽然没有明显的并列关系词,但是有很明显的并列格式。在看题的时候,我们只... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词组应用讲解(1)

    1, a change of pace 节奏变换 You cant do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2, a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3, and how 的确 A: Shes a... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词组应用讲解(2)

    11, allergic to 对……过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. 12, at sbs service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time. 13, around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studi... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词组应用讲解(3)

    21, back up 1) 累积 The subway is running behind schedule, and traffic is backed up for blocks. I dont know if well make the 6:30 show. 2) 支持 Ill back it up. 22, be bound for 到……地方 The bus is bound for New England. 23, be (f... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词组应用讲解(4)

    31,benefit concert 慈善音乐会 We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we dont have much money for advertising. 32, busy signal 占线 Ive been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busysignal.... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词组应用讲解(5)

    40,come what may 不管怎样 Well pick you up tomorrow at eight, come what may. 41,cost somebody an arm and a leg A: Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda? B: I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and a leg. 42, cut it out 闭嘴... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词组应用讲解(6)

    51, fill a prescription 按处方抓药 Would you please fill this prescription for me? 52, fill in for 代替; 同义:fill ones place(position, shoes); take the place of; take over Say, Dave, can you fill in for me tonight at the restaur... 详情>>


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