本文整理了雅思听力job hunting场景词汇供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思听力考试中取得优异的成绩!
Type of work:
vacation jobs, office work, bar attendant, waiter, waitress, zoo attendant, childcare, library assistant, restaurant work, shop assistant, sales assistant, domestic work, reporter, carpenter, freelance, part-time job, full-time job, temporary job
Main roles:
receptionist, shop assistant, looking after animals (kangaroo), educate visitors, save wounded/injured animals, maintain website, selling garden tools/carpets, handle customer complaint
Advantages and disadvantages:
pay, working hours, workload, flexible, equipment, transportation
Working hours:
am pm weekdays (during the week), weekends,bank holidays, public holidays, New year, Christmas
Pay rate:
pound/dollar per hour, starting salary, wage
formal clothes, suit, informal clothes, casual clothes shirt, trousers, tie, bow tie, uniform
bus, train, subway, tube, metro, taxi, cab
Magazine reporters:
housing magazine, entertainment magazine, sports magazine, economy magazine, IT magazine
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