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  剑桥雅思4Test4听力Section 4答案+解析

  Question 31 795


  Question 32 tail

  原文提到“this is made possible by their fins, one set at the side and another set underneath the body, and the tail also helps the shark move forward quickly”(鲨鱼的鳍,一个在侧面,另一个在底部,使之成为可能;同时,鲨鱼的尾巴也能帮助鲨鱼更加快速地移动),所以此题填“tail”就可以了。

  Question 33 floor

  原文提到“mostly, they swim at the bottom of the ocean, scavenging and picking up food that's lying on the ocean floor. ”(通常,它们在海底游弋,以沉在海底的腐烂食物为食),所以此题填“floor / bottom / bed”均可。

  Question 34 sense of smell

  原文提到“they have a very acute sense of smell”(它们有着非常敏锐的嗅觉),所以此题填“sense of smell”就可以了。

  Question 35 A

  首先注意此题题干中提到的“meshing”一词的意思是“用网捕捉,落网”。原文提到“meshing involves setting large nets parallel to the shore”(用网捕捉包括在沿海岸线铺设大规模的鱼网),所以此题选A。

  Question 36 A

  原文提到“The New Zealand authorities also looked at it, but considered meshing uneconomical—as did Tahiti in the Pacific. At around the same time, South Africa introduced meshing to some of its most popular swimming beaches. ”(新西兰政府也考察过,但是认为这种方法经济上不划算——太平洋上的塔希提岛也持同样观点。同时,南非把这种方法应用到了其游人最多,最受欢迎的一些海滩上。)所以,此题应该排除选项B 和C,要选择。

  Question 37 B

  原文中提到“When meshing began, approximately fifteen hundred sharks were caught in the first year. However, this declined in the years that followed, and since that time, the average annual catch has been only about a hundred and fifty a year.”这句话提到了两个数字,1500 对应的是第一年捕获鲨鱼的数量,而题干中问的是如今每年被鲨鱼网困住的鲨鱼的数量,所以答案为150,即B 选项。

  Question 38 B

  原文提到“the majority of sharks are caught during the warmest months, form November to February”(大多数的鲨鱼都是在最温暖的月份被抓住的,从11 月到2月),考生应该注意到南半球澳大利亚的夏天正是北半球的冬天,所以此题应该选B。此题也是出题人故意设计的考点。

  Questions 39- 40 B,E

  这两个题要求考生挑出使“shark nets”减少作用的选项。原文提到“But meshing does appear to be less effective than some other methods, especially when there are big seas with high rolling waves and strong currents and anything that lets the sand move”(但是在某种程度上,比起其他方法来说,用网捕捉这个方法的效果并不那么明显,尤其是当有大浪和强流的时候,以及沙流动比较厉害的时候),所以应该选B 和E。



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