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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  1.你会看到题目:About ___ people are waiting in the queue.

  你会听到录音:There must be at least 50 people in the queue.

  2.你会看到题目:A tree can bear fruit after____.

  你会听到录音:It means around 15 months in good conditions for a tree to produce a bunch of bananas.

  3.你会看到题目:Aluminium cans can take more than 90 pounds of pressure per square inch-over____ the pressure of a car tyre.

  你会听到录音:More than 90 pounds of pressure per square inch - three times the pressure of a car tyre.

  4.你会看到题目:There are __ shops in the town.

  你会听到录音:This is the third shop opened in this town.


  例如看到的问题是what is the proportion of public transportation in this town?,

  你会听到In this town, private cars account for 25%, but it has still well developed public transport.


  1. It is possible to hire _______ and _______.

  Audio Scripts: And you can hire laptops ... as well as printers ... (6-1-3)

  2. Cardboard, coloured pens and a _______.

  Audio Scripts: ... and coloured each one in using different colours, then you thread a piece of string ... So we'd need some string as well. (4-4-3)

  当然and还可以转换为together with, not only ... but also ...等等,但是无论怎么互换最后换到的词语都比and复杂,这个实际上变相的降低了听力的难度,因此在许多情况下,当试卷上出现and时,在听力中并不会做互换。换句话说,如果在试卷上看到了and,并且要填写的在and周围的话,我们就可以刻意去听and,这样也就出来了。

  E.G.: Float dropped into ocean and _______by satellite.

  Audio Scripts: Each of the floats is dropped in the ocean ... and activated from a satellite. (7-3-3)通过这个题目我们可以注意到,我们在填对这个的时候几乎都可以不用知道float, satellite甚至是activated的意思,只需要将and后面的动词写下来就可以了。这个大大增加了and这个词语的重要性。

  E.G.: Swimming aids: fins and ______.

  Audio Scripts: ... sharks are very quick swimmers. This is made possible by their fins, one set at the side ..., and the tail also help the shark move forward quickly. (4-4-4)我们发现在fins的后面加了一句解释的话,在听力过程中往往会导致听漏,但是后面出现的and就是非常好的而定位点。母的混合编号,例如学生证H5736,车牌照SH121LQ等。



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