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  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:收到的重要信件

    Describe an important letter that you received. You should say: who wrote it what the letter was about how you felt about the letter and explain why it was important. 原考官范文: Ok, well I suppose one of the most important letters I... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:购买的海外商品

    Describe a product from another country that you bought. You should say: what it was where you bought it what you use it for and explain why you bought it. 考官范文: Ok, well the first thing that came to mind when I saw this topic was o... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:让你有些生气的情况

    Describe a situation that made you a little angry. You should say: what it was that made you angry where you were when this happened what you were doing at the time and explain why you felt angry. 考官范文: Well, I like to think that... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:喜欢去的商店

    Describe a shop you like to go to. what shop it is what it sells (or, what you usually buy there) when you first started going to this shop (or, how you came to know about this shop) and explain why you like (to go to) this shop. 考官范文... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:对你有影响的经历

    Describe an experience (or an event) that had an impact on you. You should say: what the experience was where it happened when it happened 考官范文: and explain the good (and any bad) effects that this experience had on you. Ok, well... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:遭遇坏天气

    Describe an experience you had with bad weather. You should say: what sort of bad weather it was when it happened where you were when it happened and explain how it affected you. 考官范文: Well, one particularly unpleasant experience th... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:音乐活动

    Describe a musical event you have seen in some place or on TV You should say what kind of musical event it was how you knew about it why you saw it and explain what you thought of it 考官范文: Well, Im fortunate enough to have been to... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:参加过的婚礼

    Describe a wedding you attended. You should say: whose wedding it was who was there where it was and explain how you felt at this wedding. Ok, well Ive actually been to quite a few weddings, so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:有用的网站

    Describe a useful website that you like to visit. Useful phrases: (Talking about Taobao…) Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Taobao dot com, which (I suppose you could say) is the Chinese equivalent of... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:一见如故的朋友

    Describe a person who became your good friend at the first meeting. Useful phrases: The first time we met must have been about 2 or 3 years ago, when I was in my first year at university…(第一次见面应该是两、三年前吧……) …... 详情>>


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