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  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:早起

    雅思口语话题题库part2:早起 Describe a time you got up extremely early. You should say: When it was What time you got up How you felt when you got up And explain why you got up early. Part 3: How can students be motivated to get... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:请客

    雅思口语话题题库part2:请客 Describe a meal you invited others to have at your home or in a restaurant. You should say: Who you invited Where you ate What you ate And explain how they felt about this meal. Part 3: Why do some peo... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:通过网络解决问题

    雅思口语话题题库part2:通过网络解决问题 Describe a time you solved a problem online. You should say: When and where it happened What problem you solved How long it took you to solve the problem And explain how you felt abou... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:公共场所听到的电话

    雅思口语话题题库part2:公共场所听到的电话 Describe a time you heard someone you didnt know talking on the phone in a public place. You should say: When and where it was What the person was about What you were doing at that... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:错误信息

    雅思口语话题题库part2:错误信息 Describe a time you got incorrect information. You should say: When you got the information Who gave you the information How you found out the information was incorrect And explain how you felt a... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:特别的假期

    雅思口语话题题库part2:特别的假期 Describe an unusual vacation you had. You should say: When and where you went Who you went with What you did there And explain why it was unusual. Part 3: What are the advantages and disadvant... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:每天都做的事

    雅思口语话题题库part2:每天都做的事 Describe a regular thing you do every day. You should say: What you do When and where you do it How long you spend doing it And explain why you always do this thing. Part 3: Would you prefe... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:车抛锚的经历

    雅思口语话题题库part2:车抛锚的经历 Describe a time the vehicle you were traveling in broke down. You should say: Where you were going Who you were with How long it took to fix the vehicle And explain how you felt about it. P... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:和朋友游玩

    雅思口语话题题库part2:和朋友游玩 Describe a time you visited a place with friends. You should say: Where you went What you did there Who you were with And explain why it was a memorable experience. Part 3: How do you create u... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题题库part2:历史时期

    雅思口语话题题库part2:历史时期 Describe a historical period you would like to know. You should say: When it was How you heard of it What you are interested in What you have known And Why you would like to know more Part 3: How... 详情>>


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