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  • 雅思口语话题part2:Places

    Part 2 高频新题:A time when you invited your friends or family members for dinner at home or in the restaurant, 此题属于旧题改编题,以前考过的类似话题是a special meal, a dinner you had with your friends. 另外,人... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题part1:Books

    (1) Part 1 高频新题有book, being punctual, smile, perfume以及rubbish。其中 smile, perfume 以及rubbish属于全新题, 但并不算难题。film star和area you live in 这两个话题是上一季度的旧题,出现的频次较... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题part1:Social variety

    (1) Part 1 高频新题有book, being punctual, smile, perfume以及rubbish。其中 smile, perfume 以及rubbish属于全新题, 但并不算难题。film star和area you live in 这两个话题是上一季度的旧题,出现的频次... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题part1:Smile

    (1) Part 1 高频新题有book, being punctual, smile, perfume以及rubbish。其中 smile, perfume 以及rubbish属于全新题, 但并不算难题。film star和area you live in 这两个话题是上一季度的旧题,出现的频次... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part1话题:Perfume

    (1) Part 1 高频新题有book, being punctual, smile, perfume以及rubbish。其中 smile, perfume 以及rubbish属于全新题, 但并不算难题。film star和area you live in 这两个话题是上一季度的旧题,出现的频次较... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part1话题:time management /being punctual

    (1) Part 1 高频新题有book, being punctual, smile, perfume以及rubbish。其中 smile, perfume 以及rubbish属于全新题, 但并不算难题。film star和area you live in 这两个话题是上一季度的旧题,出现的频次较... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题part1:rubbish

    雅思口语话题part1:rubbish (1) Part 1 高频新题有book, being punctual,smile,perfume以及rubbish。其中 smile,perfume 以及rubbish属于全新题,但并不算难题。film star和area you live in 这两个话题是上一... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题part2:水上运动

    雅思口语话题part2:水上运动 Describe a water sports you would like to try in the future.水上运动 You should say: What it is When you would like to try What you do in this sport And explain why you would like to it... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题part2:错误信息

    雅思口语话题part2:错误信息 Describe the information that was incorrect that you got.错误信息 You should say: When it happened What the information was How you found it incorrect And explain how you felt about it... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题:喜欢的歌手

    雅思口语part2话题:喜欢的歌手 Describe a singer that you like.喜欢的歌手 You should say: Who the person is How you know the person What songs the singer sings And explain why you like the person... 详情>>


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