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  • 雅思口语范文:An environmental problem

    雅思口语范文:An environmental problem Describe an environmental problem. You should say: What it is. How long it has existed. What effect it has had on peoples lives. What we can do to solve it. 1. a) If I had to describe an environ... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:描述一个家庭

    雅思口语范文:描述一个家庭 What is Family? How do you define a family? People who care and love each other with a heart filled with respect . I would define my Family as a breath of fresh air! People who you hate most of the ti... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:一件手工艺品

    雅思口语范文:一件手工艺品 Describe a handcraft which is made by yourself When I was young,I was interested in making things out of everyday materials, such as paper, wood, glass, and so on. I remember the first thing I made wa... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:family members

    雅思口语范文:family members A home being so called home is a place full of members of family and the love ones. My father is a tall man with hard, handsome features, though he looks like a local, a regular guy. Working for a factory... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:上学时的朋友

    雅思口语范文:上学时的朋友 Describe a school friend you remember well. You should say: who this person was what he/she looked like how you became friends and explain why you remember this person so well. Sample Answer: The scho... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:a party

    雅思口语范文:a party A year-end party/Christmas Party At the end of year, a party is organized by companies to say thank-you to employees and clients. Like all parties, finger foods are provided with plenty of wine, gifts,and a lot... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:先工作还是继续学习

    雅思口语范文:先工作还是继续学习 To Find A Job or to Go On Studying At the end of the fourth year in the university, students are facing two choices: to find a job or to go on studying in a masters degree. Before making up t... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:生活在大城市

    雅思口语范文:生活在大城市 Live in A Big City Thousands of people rush into cities each year. Some come for education. Some come for shopping or sight-seeing. Some come on business. But most of them, attracted by the job opport... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:广告影响人们购物

    雅思口语范文:广告影响人们购物 Some people believe commodities that are popular among consumers reflect the power of advertisement rather than the real needs of people. Do you agree or disagree? Whether we like it or not, adv... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语范文:职业的选择

    雅思口语范文:职业的选择 Parents generally believe it is their responsibility to plan the careers for their children. They claim that they know their children well enough to decide what kind of job suits them. Hoping that their... 详情>>


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