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  • 雅思口语模板整理:Travelling

    雅思口语模板整理:Travelling k) TRAVELLING 81. Do you like traveling? ( 5 - 6 ) Yes, I like traveling. Firstly, I believe that traveling is always educational. What I mean to say is that the people that you meet along the way are u... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语模板整理:Hobbies

    雅思口语模板整理:Hobbies f)HOBBIES 68. Do you have a hobby? ( 5 - 8 ) Yes. My hobby is stamp collecting. I have been collecting stamps for the past two years now. That is to say, for two years I have chosen stamp collecting to be... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语模板整理:Colors

    雅思口语模板整理:Colors g) COLORS 71. What color do you like? Why? ( 5 - 6 ) I like red. Please allow me to explain. In China, red is associated with life and good luck. For example, a bride will wear something red on her wedding... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语模板整理:Shopping

    雅思口语模板整理:Shopping h) SHOPPING 73. Do you like / enjoy shopping? ( 5 - 6 ) Yes, I love shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I usually buy clothes for myself. I like to go to the shops and see what they have to off... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语模板:Movies

    雅思口语模板:Movies i) MOVIES 74. Do you often go to the cinema? ( 5 - 6 ) Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies. We have a great time, like for ex... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文:A small business

    雅思口语话题范文:A small business 话题卡 Describe a small business that you would like to own. You should say: what this business would be how you would start/open this business how you would run this business and explain why y... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文:Magazine

    雅思口语话题范文:Magazine I have been so fortunate that I am able to read. In my spare time I like reading magazines to get information instead of surfingthe net, and my favorite one must always be the Fortune Life. You know I am... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文:Teengers

    雅思口语话题范文:Teengers Teengers are the future of our country , and I happen to meet one who left me the most unforgetblememory. He is my mate when I was at school, named J. I can not say he is that kind of person who can attra... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文:An educational visit

    雅思口语话题范文:An educational visit Describe an educational visit that you made when you were in school. You should say: where you went who you went with what you did there and explain what you learned on this trip. 范文: Wh... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文:Jamie Oliver

    雅思口语话题范文:Jamie Oliver Jamie Oliver, sometimes known as The Naked Chef, is a British chef, restaurateur, known for his food-focused television shows and cookbooks. Olivers programs are shown in over 40 countries, including... 详情>>


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