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  • 雅思口语高频话题:市场

    Market 市场 What do street markets sell? Are there many street markets in China? What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets? Do you often go to the supermarket?... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语高频话题:借贷

    Borrowing/lending 借贷 Have you borrowed books from others? Have you ever borrowed money from others? Do you like to lend things to others? How do you feel when people dont return things they borrowed from you?... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part1实例解析

    Part 1 大家应该都清楚,雅思口语的第一部分一般都是些简单的寒暄,加上一些日常的问题。 因为问题一般都比较简单,所有很多考生都以为只要一两句话应付一下就行了。比如: 问:... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语如何获得考官好感

    考试那天不要迟到。迟到将被禁止进入考场。不要提前进入考场,因为考官可能正在总结分数。 进入考场后放松,先打招呼,建议让考官先坐下,以示礼貌。当你坐下时,考官会要求你... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语一般什么时候出题库

    1.什么是雅思话题变化季? 很多新烤鸭都不知道话题变化季节是什么,所以有同学错报了 1月、5月、9月。三个月的雅思考试。请大家注意啦!雅思每年都会有三个月的换题,也就是每四... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语人物类范文

    雅思口语人物类范文 Describe an old person you admireYou should say: What he/she does What kind of person he/she is What you learnt from him/her Explain why you admire him/her The person Id like to talk about is my father, who is th... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语高分表达必备句

    雅思口语高分表达必备句 一,表示喜欢 I dont think Ive seen anything I like better. …is a marvelous way of spending a day off. Theres nothing I enjoy more than… 二,叙述: When I was a high school student, I went to... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语高分句型及实例解析

    雅思口语高分句型及实例解析 1) which 从句——6分保底。 考官很喜欢这个句式,如果你用到它,考官脑中一般马上反应:嗯,这个考生语法也许在6分以上。Which从句可以分成两种情况:... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语素材:Columbus Day

    雅思口语素材:Columbus Day Columbus DaySecond Monday in October Today we take for granted that the world is round. In the fifteenth century, however, most people believed the world was flat. They thought that monsters or a trip over... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语素材:Mothers Day

    雅思口语素材:Mothers Day Mothers Daythe 2nd Sunday in May (Universally) Mothers Day is a time of commemoration and celebration for Mom. It is a time of breakfast in bed, family gatherings, and crayon scribbled I Love Yous. The earli... 详情>>


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