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  1.What kinds of rewards can companies offer to their outstanding employees?

  2.Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?

  3.Should parents push their children to get prizes?

  4.What rewards can children get from school?


  1.What kinds of rewards can companies offer to their outstanding employees?

  Well, the rewards from a company symbolize the recognition and appreciation of the employee'scontribution, which as a result indicates sincerity. Learning materials like Kindles and iPad Pros,and health investment gifts as gym or yoga cards could be good options. But to tell the truth, ifthere happens to be a year-end reward, a red pocket with cash in it would be the best choice.

  2.Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?

  Well, there are always two sides. Prizes motivate children to learn harder and get higher grades,and as a result, they create an atmosphere of benign competition in school. While on the otherhand, prizes can also stimulate one's desire to win, which might cause extreme behaviors andideas. The point is to tell children that they should compete with themselves for prizes but not witheach other.

  3.Should parents push their children to get prizes?

  Although prizes encourage children to perform better and follow the teacher's word, I don't thinkit's appropriate for parents to force their children. Prizes are just an extra award instead of a must.Trying your best is more important, rather than comparing your kids with others, which can bedamaging and lead to a lack of self-worth.

  4.What rewards can children get from school?

  From my perspective, the rewards from school should be beneficial to study and be of good use.To be more specific, small gifts as stationery and notebooks, and bigger ones as USB flash drives,schoolbags and e-dictionaries would be suitable gifts for children. Moreover, there are some morecreative options. For example, “no homework for a day” could also be regarded as a gift, whichwould please children for sure.



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