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  1.What are some special skills that people can learn?

  2.What kind of professions require practical skills?

  3.What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?

  4.What's the most important practical skill in modern society?


  1.What are some special skills that people can learn?

  For me, I would recommend learning time management, which is vital to helping overcomeprocrastination and raise efficiency. To be more exact, it pushes you to find out the priority of yourdaily work and life, therefore maximizing the use of your down time. What's more, since it'simportant for everyone, a lot of apps have been developed to guide you to optimize your time.

  2.What kind of professions require practical skills?

  To tell the truth, almost all professions require practical skills, but I will say that working as abusiness analyst requires more as it's a high-demanding job. First of all, it needs data collectingskills to target the object of study. Second, it requires the capability to use programming languageto build financial models to analyze the data and find out the conclusion. Last but not least, onehas to be equipped with presentation skills to explain the problem and related solution to thecustomers.

  3.What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?

  Well, I would consider promotional skills as ones that are difficult to learn. This is because I findthat people are born to more often refute something instead of praising it. Promotion skills, suchas how to exploit the market, how to cater others' emotions and concerns, and how to meet theirneeds is a great skillset to learn. And at the same time, such skills are indispensable(不可或缺的)because one is selling themselves and their ideas to others everywhere in life.

  4.What's the most important practical skill in modern society?

  From my perspective, interpersonal skills are a priority in modern society, and to be more specific,the ability to understand other people, to know what motivates them, and to be able to workcooperatively with them. It's not difficult to see that interpersonal skills are described as a must?have in almost every position. In other words, they're not only the basis to making one integrateinto society better, but also the foundation of efficient work.



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