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雅思口语 Part3 7分替代词

雅思口语 Part3 7分替代词

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  1 option 替代choice

  In this section, you learn the pros and cons of each option. 在这一部分中,您将学习每个选项的优点和缺点。

  2 affluent替代wealthy

  But most people in the world are not affluent, and their food budgets are limited. 而事实是,世界上大多数人并不富裕,他们的食物消费还很拮据。

  3 attempt 替代effort

  He gave up the attempt in despair. 他在绝望中放弃了这种尝试。

  4 obligation 替代responsibility

  Don't try to duck out of the obligation. 别想逃避那项义务。

  5 information highway 替代Internet

  We are to make full use of the development ofthe information highway. 我们要充分利用信息高速公路的发展成果。

  6 prior to 替代before

  It happened prior to his arrival. 这事发生在他到达以前。

  7 sufficient 替代enough

  Yes, but how do I know if I have sufficient detail? 是的,但是我如何知道我已经有了足够的细节?

  8 unwind 替代 relax

  It helps them to unwind after a busy day at work. 这有助于他们在一天繁忙的工作后放松一下。



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