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作者:网编整理 来源:北京新东方学校 点击量: 分享


  Part 2 话题精讲:

  Describe an equipment at your home

  You should say :

  What it is?

  How often you use it?Whom you use it with?

  How you feel about it and explain why you like/dislike it?


  1.I'd like talk about a treadmill my parents bought not so long ago.It looks solid and provides users with different training modes to fit differentages,and health conditions.It's been at my home for a few weeks.It doesn't only bring fun,but also a healthy life style.

  2.Iuse it a few times (a couple of times ) a week.Recently,I just made a decision.You know,I decided to work out regularly to get my healthy body shape back.Now,let me tell you about my daily routine.I get up early in the morning.After breakfast,I'd start training.I like to start with some warm-up exercises,and stretches .After that,I'd jog on the treadmill for half hour .

  3.I share it with my parents.They're in their fifties. After retirement,they have all the time in the world to enjoy life.Now,they really care about their health condition and appearance.So every night,after supper,they'd jog for some time on it .At first,they didn't get used to doing exercise on it.You know,people of their age find it hard to love modern technology.Now,they see jogging on it as part of their daily life .

  4.It's important for two reasons .

  First, It brings a healthy lifestyle to us.After using it for a couple of weeks , we already see those amazing changes.We become healthier,more energetic , and we start to get that ideal body shape .

  Moreover.It gathers my family together.I mean,it's quite difficult to find some common interests with someone older than you.Now we 'd talk about some running techniques,and share some training experiences.That's quite interesting.



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