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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  Part Two 话题精讲:

  Describe a special meal you had.

  u Yoshould say :

  Where you had it ?

  Whom you had it with ?

  What you had ?

  Why you think it's special ?


  1.I 'd like to talk about a wonderful time that I had with an old friend not so long ago . we had a dinner at a famous thai restaurant . It's on the second floor of a fancy building , which is located on wu kang road , in the heart of the jing an district . It's famous for the Authentic flavor and thoughtful service . It's so popular . Every night people wait in line to get their tables .

  2.The person I had it with is an old friend . she 's from a small city , which 's located in the south of mainland china . Actually , we went to the same high school before .She 's very outgoing ,independent , and open-minded .so we got along pretty well .After graduating from high school , we went to different cities for college study . After that ,I hadn't seen her for years .

  3.We read the menu ,those pictures looked stunning .But it's really hard to decide what to have ,so later , we asked the waitress for recommendation . She suggested that we shouldn't miss those signature dishes . I have to say the flavor's amazing , and I was impressed by the use of fine ingredients .It's said that most ingredients are air-imported to guarantee the quality and authentic taste . We really had a wonderful time there.

  4.lastly , I'll tell you about why I think it's a special meal .In my opinion , what makes it special is our friendship .You know .It's nice to meet oldfriend because there's always something to talk about . We spent some time catching up , talking about those interesting life experiences . When we talked about those funny things happened in high school , those memories all flooded back to us . That feeling's amazing .


  1. I 'd like to talk about a wonderful time that I had with an old friend not so long ago: 高分开头

  2. it's on the second floor of a fancy building , which is located on wu kang road , in the heart of the jing an district: 餐厅在武康路一栋很豪华大楼的二楼 .

  3. it's famous for the Authentic flavor and thoughtful service:餐厅以纯正的口味和周到的服务而闻名.

  4. The person I had it with is an old friend . She 's from a small city , which 's located in the south of mainland china:和我吃饭的是一个老朋友,她来自于中国南方的一个小城市.

  5. She 's very outgoing ,independent , and open-minded:她非常的外向, 独立, 而且通情达理.

  6. we got along pretty well: 我们相处的很好.

  7. After graduating from high school , we went to different cities for college study:高中毕业后我们去了不同的城市上大学.

  8. we asked the waitress for recommendation:我们向服务员要推荐.

  9. She suggested that we shouldn't miss those signature dishes:他建议我们选择招牌菜.

  10. I have to say the flavor's amazing , and I was impressed by the use of fine ingredients:我不得不说口味太棒了.而且良好的食材也是给我留下了深刻的印象.

  11. It's said that most ingredients are air-imported to guarantee the quality and authentic taste: 据说大部分的食材都是空运的来保证质量和纯正的口味.

  12. lastly , I'll tell you about why I think it's a special meal:最后,我来说下为什么我觉得这顿饭很特别.

  13. what makes it special is our friendship:让它变得与众不同的是我们的友情.

  14. We spent some time catching up , talking about those interesting life experiences:我们花了些时间叙旧, 聊了聊一些有趣的经历.

  15. When we talked about those funny things happened in high school , those memories all flooded back to us:当我们聊到那些高中时候发生的有意思的事情的时候, 那些回忆一下子都回来了.



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