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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  1. Are you interested in robots?

  2. Do you want to have robots in your home?

  3. Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?

  4. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?

  1. Are you interested in robots?


  误区:注意不要直接重复题目,所以不能直接回答'yes I'm interested in robots'或者'no I'm not interested in robots';注意换词


  Not particularly 不

  my kind of thing 我喜欢的类型

  science-fiction films 科幻片

  science museum 科技馆

  find… attractive 觉得……很迷人

  related to… 和……有关联

  other than that 除此之外


  Not particularly. I mean I've probably only seen them in some science-fiction films. Other than that, I don't really feel related to it in any way. Plus, I've never found them attractive or anything.

  2. Do you want to have robots in your home?


  误区:注意不要完全重复题目的用词,避免直接回答'yes I want to have robots in my home'或者'no I don't want to have robots in my home'.


  Not necessarily 不是很需要

  I reckon 我猜想

  Give me a hand 帮助我一下

  tidy up my room 整体我的房间

  make my bed 铺床

  hoover robot 吸尘机器人

  Robotic Vacuums 智能吸尘器

  look clumsy 看起来很笨拙

  it's gonna be good 这会很好

  that would be nice 那会很棒

  have a hard time doing… 做某事很困难

  a bonus 一个奖/附加的好处

  help me out 帮助我

  struggle with… 和……挣扎

  school assignments 学校的作业


  Not necessarily, but I reckon it would be nice if I could have a robot nanny indoors who is always ready to give me a hand tidying up my room and even making my bed. Plus, it would be a bonus if she could also help me out whenever I'm struggling with my school assignments.

  3. Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?


  误区:注意避免和题目里面用词完全重复,所以无人驾驶车可以换换别的词,比如'driverless car''self-driving car'或者'robotic car'.


  a driverless car = self-driving car= robotic car 无人驾驶车

  autonomous technology

  have a go at it 试一下

  at least give it a try 至少试一下

  increase the chances of a crash

  potential safety problem 潜在的安全问题

  take control 控制

  in an emergency 在紧急情况下


  Definitely not! I guess that's the last thing I would wanna do. You might not know this, but I've heard a rumour that there have been quite a few accidents involving a self-driving car. To be fair, I don't wanna risk my life or probably it's just that I feel like I can't trust a machine. Plus, I've got my own driving license, so I'd rather drive around myself.

  4. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?




  compared with… 比起……来

  take the place of… 替代……

  work alongside… 和……一起工作

  I've got to admit that… 我必须得承认……

  Be allowed to… 被允许做……

  Be in control 掌控

  Start a riot 造反

  Be in trouble 麻烦了

  Take over 接管


  Well, I don't really wanna think about it, but I've got to admit that in the future there will be more and more human-looking machines working alongside of people as modern technology is developing so quickly. Still though, I don't think they should be allowed to take over totally. Imagine if they were gonna start a riot, we would be in so much trouble.



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