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雅思口语题目解析:A website you like to visit

雅思口语题目解析:A website you like to visit

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  雅思口语题目解析:A website you like to visit

  A website you like to visit

  You should say:

  When you found it

  What it is about

  How often you visit it

  And explain why you like this website











  a tricky topic 难的话题

  on a day-to-day basis 在日常生活

  get online 上线

  bring up this one 提一下这个

  search engine 搜索引擎

  pretty much like… 跟……基本上差不多

  chat to… 和某人聊天

  recommend sb. to do… 推荐/建议某人做某事

  pretty handy 挺有用的

  sign up for… 注册……

  over the internet 在网上


  Well, to be honest, I've got to say this is quite a tricky topic for me, cause I do get online quite a lot and there are loads of webpages that I like to visit on a day-to-day basis; but if I've got to tell you about one of them, perhaps I could bring up this one Yahoo.com.

  I reckon you must have heard of Yahoo. If not, I use it just as a search engine, pretty much like Google. Of course they do many other things, like finance and that. When I first started to chat to internet friends back in high school, I met an American guy who recommended me to download Yahoo messenger. That's the first time I heard about this Yahoo thing. To be honest, I'd never really liked yahoo messenger so I stopped using it pretty soon. But then I discovered Yahoo.com was actually a pretty handy website which could help me solve all my doubts and questions.

  What's more, I could sign up for an email address and that. In fact, I didn't use to use Yahoo as much as I got on Google, but since Google got blocked over here in China, I've sort of moved back onto Yahoo. These days, I mainly just use it to check some English idioms for my own interest. Apart from that, I really enjoy browsing for all kinds of images and that on it. Even some of my friends are starting to use Yahoo too, although most people around me still prefer Baidu which is possibly one of the most popular search engines in my country.

  Anyway, I have to say deep down I still kind of like Google better, although I cannot really think of anything bad about Yahoo yet. I mean at the moment, I'm quite happy with what I can get over the internet with the help of Yahoo. Hopefully Google will be allowed soon so I can have more choices. That's all I can tell you about right now.



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