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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享



  Is it hard to find a good job in your country?


  What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?


  Why do some young people keep changing their jobs?


  How would you define "a good job"?

  1. Is it hard to find a good job in your country?




  注意在Part 3 部分不要用太绝对的语言去回答,所以不要太肯定的说一定很难或者非常简单在中国找工作。


  I reckon 我猜想

  look for an ideal job 寻找一个理想的工作

  unemployed graduates 暂无工作的大学毕业生

  who knows 我不知道

  it would help 会有帮助

  all over the place 到处都是

  related experience 相关经验

  apart from that 除此之外

  be a bonus 能加分

  Well, to be honest, I don't actually know anything about that, but I reckon it is no easy task to look for an ideal job over here as there are endless unemployed graduates all over the place. Who knows, perhaps it would help if the job seeker has got plenty of related experience. Apart from that, I guess being humble and polite at a job interview could also be a bonus.

  2. What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?


  先总起说一下要看具体情况啦,看是面试什么样的工作,不过generally speaking, 可能有好几件事是要注意的。一件重要的事情之一可能是保持整体的形象清爽干净,记得洗头发,不能又油又有头皮屑。此外呢,还要熟悉一下所应聘工作的工作内容。




  pay attention to… 感兴趣……

  before hand 提前

  in proper clothes 穿合适的衣服

  greasy hair 油腻的头发

  no dandruff or anything 不能有头皮屑一类的

  plastic surgery 整容手术

  get to know about 开始了解

  be familiar with… 熟悉

  job descriptions 工作职责/工作描述

  Well, I guess it depends on what kind of job people are looking for, but in general I would say there are quite a few things that they would want to pay attention to before hand. Perhaps one of the main points is to make sure they look nice in proper clothes, without any greasy hair, you know, also no dandruff or anything. Obviously they don't really need to do any plastic surgery for just an interview. Apart from that, I reckon getting to know about the company they are applying for and being familiar with the job descriptions and that is also quite necessary.

  3. Why do some young people keep changing their jobs?




  如果可以的话尝试不完全跟题目用一样的表达,比如可以把young people换掉,或者keep changing one's jobs 给转述掉。


  feel a connection to sb. 和某人有共同语言

  get along with… 和……相处

  stay put 安稳得工作

  jump ship 跳槽

  Well, I guess there can be loads of different reasons to explain why some of the junior staff tend to jump from company to company. Perhaps one of the possible reasons is that they are still not quite sure what exactly they want to do as a career, so they prefer to keep looking for a bit. Apart from that, maybe some of them would have some problems when it comes to dealing with the boss or their workmates, like getting into an argument or something like that.

  4. How would you define "a good job"?




  不用特别绝对哦。所以多用一些'perhaps''possibly''might be''maybe'.


  an expert in… 某个领域的专家

  it really depends on the person 看人啦

  well-paid positions 钱多的工作

  slightly better 更好一些

  an ideal job 一个理想的工作

  Well, I've got to say I'm not an expert in this, but I have to say it really depends on the person. Perhaps some people would find those well-paid positions good cause that allows them to enjoy their lives slightly better. Apart from that, an ideal job would be great if it can have something to do with the employee's own interests and that. In fact, I'm not too sure.



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