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  What kind of jobs are most popular in your country?


  In your country, when people choose a job, what factors do they care about the most?


  How do you think students can choose the most suitable job for themselves?


  How can students prepare themselves for future jobs when they are still in school?

  Main topic: Jobs






  Subtopic 1: Choosing a job

  Question 1.1: What kind of jobs are most popular in your country?


  work for the government做公务员

  细节:youngsters年轻人, sign up for the entrance examination报名参加选拔考试, civil servant公仆/公务员

  原因:considered as…被认为是…, decent job好工作

  细节:high social status社会地位高, stable income稳定的收入, other benefits其他福利

  举例:insurance保险, health care医疗, high-rank government official高官

  start their own business自己做生意/开公司

  细节:self-employed自己当老板, good option不错的选择, the young年轻人

  原因:freedom自由, developing rapidly高速发展, business opportunities生意机会, enables sb. to …使…能够…, business person生意人, reach a wide range of potential customers接触各种各样的潜在客户, with the help of…在…的帮助下, social media社交媒体

  举例:office workers白领(办公室工作人员), open online shops网上开店, part time兼职, have good business生意好, stop working for their current employers不再为现在的老板打工(辞职)

  real estate industry房地产行业

  举例:sales representatives销售代表/销售员

  原因:commission提成, selling apartments/houses卖公寓/别墅

  举例:designers设计师, engineers工程师

  细节:not an easy job不是轻松的工作, work overtime加班, sacrifice牺牲, worth it值得

  原因:annual bonus年度奖金(年终奖), in return作为回报, profit made by the company公司获得的利润

  on the sales or marketing team在销售/市场营销团队

  原因:dream of becoming…梦想成为…, general manager of a company公司的总经理, CEO of a corporation企业的总裁, successful entrepreneurs成功的企业家

  细节:life story of those people这些人的生平故事, accumulate firsthand experience积累一手的经验(直接的经验), industry工业/产业/行业

  结果:sales representative销售代表, marketing personnel营销人员, position职位, closely related to…与…息息相关/关系密切, business management商业管理, administration行政管理/经营


  Well, let me see. It seems that a lot of the young are looking forward to working for the government, so a large number of them sign up for the entrance examination every year to be a civil servant. I guess those positions are considered as decent jobs because people associate them with high social status. And more importantly, the job comes with a stable income as well as a series of other benefits, like insurance, health care. Not to mention that they have the chance to clime the social ladder and become a high-rank government official.


  Well, as you probably know, the real estate market is quite prosperous in recent years, so a lot of university graduates are trying to find a job in that industry. Most of them would start as a sales representative, because if they are good at selling apartments, they can get a huge commission. Some others would work as designers or engineers, if they have the expertise. I know that those jobs are not easy and they often have to work overtime but they believe the sacrifice is worth it since their salary is a good compensation, and they can usually receive a generous annual bonus in return, if the company makes a handsome profit.

  Question 1.2:In your country, when people choose a job, what factors do they care about the most?



  细节:make full use of…充分利用…, expertise专业知识/技能, strengths强项, major专业/主修科目)……

  pay the most开出最高的工资

  原因:material物质的, pragmatic现实的, work for an income为收入而工作, in the first place首先

  结果:whatever that pays well is considered a decent job不管什么工作,只要工资高,就被认为是好工作;social status社会地位

  working hours工作时间

  细节:employees雇员/员工, work overtime加班

  原因:sacrifice牺牲, personal life个人生活, definitely unfavorable明显不讨人喜欢



  原因:fit in适应

  细节:feel comfortable with…适应…/习惯…/对…感觉良好, atmosphere氛围, workplace工作场所, harmonious relationship和谐的关系, workmates同事, generally agree with基本认可, corporate culture企业文化, management philosophy管理哲学

  chance of promotion升职的机会

  细节:intend to climb the corporate ladder打算晋升, hierarchy of the organization公司的层级结构


  细节:desirable令人向往, allows flexibility允许灵活的工作时间或地点, work remotely from home远程工作, report to the office到办公室报到, meet their managers once a week一周见一次领导

  举例:sales representatives销售人员, visit clients见客户, at their convenience方便的时候

  结果:advantage优点, face great pressure面临很大压力, meet the sales target达成销售目标


  Well, there are a lot of things to take into consideration. First of all, one has to be competent in the position, so it would be better for them to make full use of their expertise and strengths. So they probably would choose something related to the major they study in college. And then, if there are options, in most cases, people would choose/go for the one that pays the most. It's not people are material or practical/pragmatic or anything. It's just, everyone works for an income in the first place, so the salary is important of course. Whatever that pays well is considered a decent job, and you know, few people really care much about the social status nowadays. Besides, another factor might be the working hours. I mean, if employees have to work overtime very often, they would sacrifice their personal life. That's definitely unfavorable.


  Well, I'm not sure, but I guess a lot of people would look for jobs that match their personality, so that they can fit in easily. I mean, they have to feel comfortable with the atmosphere at the workplace, have a harmonious relationship with workmates/colleagues and generally agree with the corporate culture as well as the management philosophy.

  For those who intend to climb the corporate ladder, they need to see the chance of promotion and that's why they care about the hierarchy of the organization.

  For people who prefer freedom, a job is desirable if it allows flexibility, I mean, they would feel great to work remotely from home and only report to the office and meet their managers once a week. As far as I know, some sales representatives work this way. You know, they visit the clients, at their convenience. This flexibility is really an advantage to such jobs, although they have to face great pressure to meet the sales target.

  Subtopic 2: Preparing for a job

  Question 2.1: How do you think students can choose the most suitable job for themselves?


  be qualified有资格

  细节:before they apply for…在申请…之前, certificates证书, qualifications资格认证, required要求的, job description职位描述

  background knowledge背景知识

  细节:field领域, industry行业, trend of development发展趋势

  举例:talking to some experienced employees与有经验的职员聊聊, read online posts or articles读网上的帖子或文章, get to know their feelings了解他们的感受, what they like and don't like他们所喜欢和不喜欢的, benefits and difficulties优点和困难, expect预期

  结果:not wise不明智, get into a job进入一个职位, title sounds exciting名称听起来激动人心

  matching game配对游戏(对对碰)

  细节:know yourself了解自己, abilities能力, knowledge知识, physical and mental capabilities身体和心理的潜力/耐力/能力, weaknesses弱点

  举例:psychological tests心理测试, overview总的看法/概要, qualities特质

  细节:do some study about…研究一下…, advantages优点, benefits福利/好处, drawbacks缺点, risks风险

  结果:your own judgment自己的判断力, decide决定, good match很好地相匹配

  举例:introvert内向的, salesperson销售人员, challenge挑战, extrovert外向的, be supposed to需要, stay in the office待在办公室, face the computer screen面对电脑屏幕, for most of the time大部分时间, torture折磨


  Well, that's not easy. But I believe there are guidelines to follow. For example, first of all, in order to do well in that position, you need to make sure you are qualified for it. So, before you apply for a job vacancy, probably you need to know in advance what kind of certificates and qualifications are required. It's usually clearly stated in the job description. And then, you have to get some background knowledge about the field, the industry and maybe the trend of development. If possible, talking to some experienced employees doing the same job would be very helpful of course. Or, at least, you can read online posts or articles written by such people, so that you can get to know their feelings, what they like and don't like about the job, what benefits and difficulties you should expect, and things like that. Anyway, I don't think it's wise to get into a job just because the title sounds exciting.


  I suppose it's like a matching game. I mean, first of all, you need to know yourself, including your abilities, the knowledge you have, the physical and mental capabilities as well as weaknesses. If possible, you can take some psychological tests to get an overview of the qualities you are not sure about. Then you need to do some study about the job, get to know not only the advantages, benefits but also the drawbacks and risks. Finally, you have to use your own judgment to decide whether it's a good match or not, between you and the job. For example, if you are introvert but have to work as a salesperson, that would be a challenge; if you are extrovert on the other hand, but you are supposed to stay in the office and face the computer screen for most of the time, that would be a torture.

  Question 2.2: How can students prepare themselves for future jobs when they are still in school?


  essential task重要任务, acquire the knowledge获取知识

  细节:perfect environment for study极好的学习环境, master the theories and techniques掌握理论和技术/技巧, used in the real job在真实工作中使用的

  practice their skills操练他们的技能

  举例:lab/laboratory实验室, doing experiments做实验


  举例:latest journals最新的期刊, papers论文, proceedings会议录

  原因:keep up with the development跟上发展, check out了解, cutting-edge technologies前沿科技, new inventions新发明

  细节:textbooks课本, lag behind落后/落后于…, recent advances当前的进展


  细节:advisor顾问, tutor导师, assignments布置的任务/作业, conduct some research做一些研究, relating to…与…相关的, subject科目, participate in参与, similar to与…相似, the tasks they will encounter in the job工作中会面临的任务

  原因:firsthand experience一手经验/直接经验, mess things up把事情弄糟/弄砸, start all over again从头开始, second chances再来一次的机会

  结果:much more experienced有经验得多, green hand新手


  细节:apply for an internship申请实习

  原因:assigned to a mentor分配给一个导师/师父, teach you step by step一步步教你, on one's own自己一个人, independently独立地

  结果:fit in适应, without heavy responsibility没有重大的责任, get accustomed to the job习惯工作, at an easy pace不紧不慢地


  I believe the most essential task for a college student is to acquire the knowledge in such a perfect environment for study. They need to master the theories and techniques, which would be used in the future in the real job. If possible, they should find chances to practice their skills, like, in the lab, doing experiments. Besides, they need to read more, I mean the latest journals, papers and proceedings in that field, so that they can keep up with the development and check out the cutting-edge technologies and new inventions. If students are content only with their textbooks, probably they will lag behind the recent advances.


  I suppose, for students majoring in engineering, they could participate in some of the research and development projects conducted by their advisor or tutor. They might as well go and ask for such assignments. It could be some simply research relating to the subject they study and it could be quite similar to the tasks they will encounter in the job. So, in this way, they can accumulate some firsthand experience. They probably don't need to worry about messing things up, because they are usually given a lot of second chances so it's no big deal to start all over again. As a result, when they get started in their job, they would be much more experienced than a green hand. Even their CV could look more attractive with that included.



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