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  What is your opinion about modern education at school?


  What do you think will be the most useful subject in the future?


  What school subjects do you think will be most important in adult life?


  Who do you think are more important in classroom learning, the students or the teachers?

  1. What is your opinion about modern education at school?

  思路:这个题目是一个非常宽泛,话题又很大的题目,所以同学们在回答的时候,第一个要注意的就是千万不要去寻找所谓的什么“正确”或者“全面”的答案。这个题目最大的核心就是,能够围绕关键信息:modern education进行一定的个人观点的阐述。


  第一,我们自己本身都是modern education的产物,因此我们对于这个东西肯定有些什么想说的话,这个“想说的话”就是我们的观点,比如我们觉得现代教育給学生的压力很大,这个就是一个观点,我们完全可以大胆表达出来;


  总而言之一句话,part 3的问题回答,我们不求“大而全”的答案,我们希望看到个人化、具体化的沟通和表达。



  Well, up till now, I have been through a 12-year modern education here in China, so I guess I do have something to say about the modern education here. Modern education is, as the name suggests, quite modern these days, with all kinds of high-tech and computer related facilities in a well-equipped classrooms. However, the two subjects of modern education, the students and teachers, are not necessarily happier. On one hand, students resent the idea of being educated simply because it's too demanding with tons of homework and endless examinations and tests. On the other, teachers find it hard to love what they do in classrooms because there is a lack of sense of achievement. Admittedly, there is something wrong with modern education nowadays and it is so crucial that we should spare no effort to fix it.


  as the name suggests:就像名字所表达的那样

  computer related facilities:电脑相关的设备

  well-equipped classroom:装备很好的教室

  too demanding:要求太高

  2. What do you think will be the most useful subject in the future?

  思路:同样,这个题目没有所谓的对与错,我可以觉得计算机科学很重要,你可以觉得数学很重要,他可以觉得天文地理历史很重要,但是我们不论怎么回答,都必须注意一点,就是题目当中的限制:in the future,如果你觉得计算机科学重要,自然是未来我们的生活离不开计算机,如果是觉得天文地理历史重要,那么你的逻辑应该是,将来的科学更加发达,人和人之间的联系更加紧密,我们越发需要了解外面的世界和我们自己。因此,不论我们的答案是什么,我们都要做到两个字:扣题。



  As far as I am concerned, the most useful subject in the future should be that relevant to computer science. The reason is quite simple: we are now living in a world where computers are indispensable. For example, smartphone applications have literally changed every aspect of our life, from dining out to calling for a taxi. So I believe to make better use of this high technology, the subject related to computer science must be the most important and useful one at school.



  smartphone application:智能手机应用


  3. What school subjects do you think will be most important in adult life?

  思路:和大多数的part 3的问题一样,题目会问我们什么是最重要的,最有效的,或者最有用的。但是如果脱离一定的条件,这种最重要、最有效、最有用就没有办法说了。因此,题目当中的这个in adult life就是我们发挥的关键。

  同样,我们不必纠结所谓的正确答案,但是我们自己的答案必须紧扣adult life即可。比如,我们可以说语文(verbal)是最重要的,它可以帮助我们在成人的生活里更好地理解别人,更好地阅读;也可以认为写作(writing)是最重要的,因为写作是一个很essential的沟通技巧;可以认为数学最重要,因为生活当中很多地方都涉及到数学的知识,当然也可以像上题所说,计算机相关的学科很重要。



  As a young learner, I suppose a great many subjects matter a lot in adult life. However, the most essential one, I have to say, is reading in verbal. At reading class, we learn how to read analytically and efficiently. That is critical because in adult life, one important factor of success in career is to obtain useful information effectively. That includes searching for facts and figures, classifying, distinguishing and interpreting them. These all rely on the reading skills we learn from verbal reading at school.


  search for:搜寻




  4. Who do you think are more important in classroom learning, the students or the teachers?



  Well, as a student, I have to say, students matter more in classroom learning. After all, it is the students that receive the classroom knowledge and convert it into personal ability. How the students think and what the students choose to do greatly shape the learning process and eventually affect the outcome. We are not unfamiliar with the facts that students of the same teachers vary a lot in school learning and I think the key lies in the students themselves.

  Although I am a student, I believe that teachers are more important in classroom learning. To me, teachers are like tour guides who introduce us to new knowledge and learning methods. Whether this “guide” is passionate, responsible, enthusiastic and precise is very important in the tour of learning. A good teacher can be motivating and inspiring whereas an unsatisfactory one is usually impatient and unclear. These two types of teachers can result in totally different consequences.

  Well, that's really hard to choose. For one thing, I think students weigh more because they are the main body of studying; for the other, teachers are those who guide the students and therefore play an equally important role in classroom learning. So in one word, these two parts matter the same in classroom learning.



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