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雅思口语话题解析:A foreign country/Travel

雅思口语话题解析:A foreign country/Travel

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  雅思口语话题解析:A foreign country/Travel


  Why do Chinese people like to travel abroad?


  What can people benefit from international travel?


  What effects will tourism have on our environment?


  Why do people like to travel abroad?

  1. Why do Chinese people like to travel abroad?


  第一,shopping购物,尤其是买免税商品tax-free products,love to go shopping abroad,比如衣服outfits,包bags,化妆品cosmetics/make-up products等等,这些商品比在国内买便宜很多much cheaper than those in China,国内的税很高the sky-high luxury tax at home,价格贵expensive/steep price caused by heavy taxation,而且国外的产品常常会有打折discount,同时质量也很高in good quality,所以很多人喜欢出去购物,这里还可以给几个目前比较火的大家爱买的东西,比如很多人喜欢去日本买电饭煲buy rice cooker in Japan,去韩国买化妆品purchase cosmetics in Korea等等;

  第二,中国的经济发展使得人们更有钱,可以承担得起出国旅行can afford a trip overseas,the economic development allows people to travel,中产阶级变多了the expanding middle-class,这些人在国内玩久了之后就希望可以有一些新鲜的东西去玩,国外很多地方对国内的人来说是陌生的,以前没去过there are a lot of places they have never been before,所以想要去探索want to explore;

  第三,国外有很多著名的景点attraction/must-sees,例如Mount Fuji in Japan,Louvre in Paris等等,和中国的景点和风景差距很大different from those in China,所以中国人想要去看visit,对国人很有吸引力attract Chinese people;

  第四,有部分人也觉得出国旅游代表着自己的身份地位to show that they are affluent enough to afford a trip abroad,可以发照片和视频post photos or videos,这样亲朋好友们都知道自己过得挺好,以后在和别人聊天的时候可以显示自己去过很多地方。

  当然这道题可以有一些非常规的答案,例如现在比较流行的一些出国游趋势是因为大家有其他的需求,例如曾经很火的韩国整容团a boom in plastic surgery-related tourism,和考驾照旅游团getting a driver's license in South Korea等等。


  Many Chinese prefer to go shopping abroad. They are so fascinated with buying tax-free products in the foreign countries, like cosmetics, shoes, bags, and nice outfits. There are also a lot of discounts for those products overseas. In China, people often face they sky-high luxury taxes, which means that almost every product is much expensive than that in a foreign country. So a number of Chinese people would choose to buy these abroad. Besides, thanks to the expanding middle class and the economic development, people in China can actually afford a trip to another country. It is no longer unaffordable for a normal family. So that's why Chinese like to travel abroad.

  2. What can people benefit from international travel?


  第一,可以认识不同的人和见识很多地方,get to know different people and places,学习如何和不同的人打交道learn how to interact and communicate with people who are different than we are,develop social skills/abilities,很多人在这一过程中去和别人分享想法和意见,从而获得更多的ideas and opinions;

  第二,可以接触不同的文化,getting accustomed to different cultures,而且这种接触可以是educational的有教育意义的/enlightening有启发的,可以更好地认识这个世界deepens our understanding of the world,同时甚至可以更好地学习外语,a chance to practice local language/second language,而且有机会接触到各种slang俚语等当地人使用的spoken language,而不是written language;

  第三,人们可以放松,休闲度假relaxation,减轻压力reduce stress and tension/remove stress,因为旅游可以带来愉悦bring joy to life,同时restore balance让生活工作平衡,恢复心情。


  First, you can get to know different people and places. When travelling, people have the opportunity to meet different people from different places. All people have their own way of communicating, and not all ways are effective. Some people tend to have problems expressing themselves because their social abilities are not developed. Travelling and interacting with a variety of people can help build or improve social skills with very little effort. Besides, experiencing different cultures can also be enlightening and educational; many travelers look for places to visit whose cultures are different from their own. Learning about other's lives and customs deepens our understanding of our world. It teaches us respect and is humbling in many cases.

  3. What effects will tourism have on our environment?


  如果是正面的影响的话,首先是对经济环境的促进作用,因为旅游业发展可以创造更多的工作岗位create jobs,through direct employment within the tourism industry,也可以带动小企业和小公司的发展provide opportunities for small-scale business enterprise,能够增加税收generate extra tax revenues,从而boost the economy促进经济的发展;其次是对local community当地社区的好处,比如基础设施的改进improvement to infrastructure,娱乐便利设施的改进improvement to new leisure amenities;另外对自然环境也是有好处的,例如可以修建更多的野生动物保护区来吸引游客,同时也帮助保护了野生动物help promote conservation of wildlife and natural resource,有时候旅游业还可以促使政府修建公园或者海洋公园parks/sea parks,对自然很有利benefit nature and ecotourism;


  I think tourism actually has positive effect on economic environment. Tourism creates jobs, both through direct employment within the tourism industry and indirectly in sectors such as retail and transportation. The tourism industry also provides opportunities for small-scale business enterprises, which is especially important in rural communities, and generates extra tax revenues, such as airport and hotel taxes, which can be used for schools, housing and hospitals. In addition, the improvements to infrastructure and new leisure amenities that result from tourism also benefit the local community. Thirdly, tourism helps promote conservation of wildlife and natural resources such as rain forests, as these are now regarded as tourism assets. So in my opinion, tourism definitely boosts the development of the country.

  这道题可以回答负面影响,这里的负面影响也可以从上面提到的几个大方向入手:首先,从经济环境上来看,tourism创造的工作可能只是seasonal季节性的或者甚至poorly paid收入很少的,所以并不一定可以提高居民的收入,同时旅游业可能带高当地房价push up local property prices and the cost of goods and services,同时可能带高其他服务和产品的价格,这对当地人是不公平的unfair,可能会影响他们的生活质量,同时过分依赖旅游业的话经济会不稳定,容易受到terrorism恐怖主义,natural disaster自然灾害等等的影响;其次,游客太多可能会带来很多社会环境问题,例如crowding/congestion堵车和拥堵,drugs/alcohol problems酒精和毒品问题,prostitution涉黄产业,increased crime levels/crime rates犯罪率,除此之外也会带来环境污染问题,例如littering乱扔垃圾,air pollution through traffic emission交通带来的空气污染,noise pollution噪音污染等等。


  Tourism does have negative influence on natural environment. Firstly, tourism causes increased pollution through traffic emissions, littering, increased sewage production and noise. Visitor can also bring crowding and congestion, drugs and alcohol problems, prostitution and increased crime levels. Besides, it also can cause negative impact on economic environment. For instance, jobs created by tourism are often seasonal and poorly paid; yet tourism can push up local property prices and the cost of goods and services. Destinations dependent on tourism can be adversely affected by events such as terrorism, natural disasters and economic recession.

  4. Why do people like to travel abroad?

  为什么人们喜欢出国旅游,这道题目和第一个问题有一些类似,不过不再是问中国人的情况,而是问所有的人,所以思路首先还是关于可以遇到不同的人,和不同的人交流interact with different people, 这些人可能有不同的国籍nationalities, 文化cultures,宗教religion,可以交换thoughts/ideas,从而learn cultures first-hand接受有关文化的第一手资料,也可以experience cultural differences firsthand;其次可以练习使用一门新的语言practice or learn a new language,可以和native speakers一起练习,use that language on a regular basis,而不是只会写或者读,可以真正地掌握这门语言的使用;还有最重要的是可以explore the world,体验更多的adventure,可以做那些在自己的国家不会做的事do things you wouldn't normally do at home,例如extreme sports,cycle across the continent,能够给自己创造难忘的经历create a unique memory等等。


  There are a lot of reasons why people enjoy travel abroad. Firstly, I truly believe that people can have so much to learn from people belonging to different nationalities, cultures and religions, and nothing compares to the feeling of establishing friendships across borders. Furthermore, it is wonderful to travel to a certain country and already know someone there who you can visit and who can show you around like a local. Besides, many people also go for new experience. They are likely to do things they wouldn't normally do at home, creating a unique memory in their life.



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