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雅思口语话题解析:Learning things

雅思口语话题解析:Learning things

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  雅思口语话题解析:Learning things


  Why do people give up their hobbies?


  What are the difficulties that people may have to continue to learn something?


  What do you think of online learning?


  Do you think learning materials on the Internet are

  1. Why do people give up their hobbies?


  很多情况下 in most cases, 人们放弃自己的hobbies 往往是因为没时间,或者没有人陪着,一个人坚持不下去了。也有因为工作压力太大,没有精力分给hobbies。当然我们还可以继续分析什么样的人非常需要hobbies, hobbies 给我们的带来的益处之类的延展内容来做到speak at length



  lack of time 缺少时间

  accompany 陪伴

  overwhelm 压倒,淹没

  take for granted 想当然

  average person 普通人


  In most cases, people give up their hobbies for lack of time, sometimes they need someone to keep them accompanied. They feel overwhelmed at a job ,even do not have enough time for work ,so they take for granted that no time for hobbies. However, people with full, busy, even stressful lives may need hobbies more than the average person, and benefit greatly from having hobbies in their lives. Hobbies bring many benefits that usually make them more than worth the time they require.

  2. What are the difficulties that people may have to continue to learn something?


  很多人都很难坚持去学某一样东西的, 这个难是哪些方面的问题引起的呢?最大的可能就是他们在学习过程中遇到了挫折或者失败,或者他们所收获的和所期待的不一致,绝大部分人就会因为这种原因感到自信息和自尊心受挫,所以会轻言放弃。

  这个题当然也可以用lack of time , stress from work 之类的原因来继续补充和扩展,但是一定要先分析出每一个问题的最主要的原因,之后在作出其他的补充和扩展。否则在考场上会容易出现跑题或者没有答出实质内容之类的情况,跑题必然会非常影响成绩,而答案没有实质内容,一堆空话或者无法扩展话题也同样会对成绩造成很大影响。


  continue to do 持续做某事

  confront 面临,面对

  setback 退步

  failure n. 失败

  expectation 期待

  self-esteem 自尊

  impaired 受损的

  quit 放弃


  When people continue to learn something ,they will have to confront many setbacks and failures from time to time ,if they can't see the improvement or the results failed to meet their expectation ,their confidence and self-esteem get impaired, they may quit.

  3. What do you think of online learning?


  很多学生第一反应会冒出一个词convenient, 请仔细听题,你怎么看待网络学习,不只是说到好处,还应该讲到适合人群,这是有选择性的,好处除了方便,你完全可以解释如何给你的学习带来了便利,比如学习方式上,学习成本上,学习时间上等。


  majority of ~~大量的

  semester 学期

  constraint 限制

  transportation costs 交通费用

  resources 资源

  accessible 可得到的,易理解的


  I think it's great; although it's not for everyone, and obviously every subject. Typically, I'm able to take more units when I have the majority of my semester classes online, due to physical time constraints, as well as, saving transportation costs. We can learn anything in anytime we want, we don't have to go to class or have our teacher right there. There are resources to help you. So I think it's very useful, convenient and accessible.

  4. Do you think learning materials on the Internet are reliable?



  对于part 3的题要站在一个中立的角度去分析,这种方法的好处在于逻辑性强,思路清晰,并且可以保证做到speak at length


  reliability 可靠性

  crucial 关键的

  monitor 监督

  authority 权威,官方

  that's to say 也就是说

  verify 核实,证明

  origin 起源


  Judging the reliability of sources found on the Internet is crucial because there is no regulating body that monitors the reliability of what is on the Internet. We need to give some thoughts to where we found it, whether the person who put it on the Internet is a reliable authority on the subject. That's to say, we have to verify the origin of resources.



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