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  How often do you wear a watch?


  What was your first watch like?


  What kinds of watches do you like to wear?


  Do people still wear watches in your country?


  关于“表”,我们一般来说比较习惯的说法是手表,但实际上watch这个词它的英文解释叫做small clock,因此我们在这个描述手表的时候,还需要再有一些具体的单词,比如说腕表(wristwatch),虽然说现在的人大多数都比较习惯看手机来知道时间,但是仍然是有一部分人习惯戴手表。同时可能有些女孩子会偶尔佩戴手表作为一个配饰。这些都可以体现在我们的答案内容当中。



  问题中会问到手表的样式,有同学可能会觉得非常难以描述,但实际上呢,除“表盘、表带”(face, front, strap)这样相对来讲比较不常见的名词,我们对于手表的描述的其实还是非常日常的一些表达,比如可以说手表的颜色,手表的材质等,这些就是对这个手表的一个描述了,甚至这块手表的轻重,这些形容词都是可以用来回答样式这个问题的。这里给大家提供的示范答案相对来说内容比较多也比较长,大家可以根据自己的具体情况,包括自己回答的风格来选择当中的内容进行改编。

  1. How often do you wear a watch?

  I seldom wear a watch. To me, the point of wearing a watch is to keep myself informed about the time. But now my mobile phone is a perfect substitute. So I don't see a need for a watch.

  I always wear a watch. Watch is more than just a “small clock” to me. It means much more. Wearing a watch can show others that I am a very punctual and reliable person. Also, I believe that wearing an exquisite watch is a sign of good taste in dressing.

  Sometimes. Normally I rely on my mobile phone when I need to know what time it is. But every now and then I will need a watch as a necessary ornament for special occasions. I mean, when I am wearing a fancy dress or a smart suit, I will put on a watch to go with them.

  2. What was your first watch like?

  I remember that my first watch was a birthday gift from my parents. It was for my 10th birthday. It was a digital watch with a huge glass face and a pink plastic strap. The face was decorated with exaggerated cartoon characters and fake shiny diamonds. To be honest, I despised it soon after I entered secondary school because I regarded it as ugly at that time.

  Oh, it was a very old watch, handed down by my mother. It was pretty ordinary with a quartz front and a small metal stem on the side. The strap was made of canvas and several years after I got the watch, because it was very old, the strap was worn out so that I never used it again. But I kept the rest of the watch very carefully in a small box and it is still in good condition.

  Well, I still wear my first watch now. It's a wristwatch and it is very simple but elegant. The strap is made of porcelain and I like its metallic, shiny, white surface. It always feels so cold on my wrist and I like wearing it on hot summer days.

  3. What kinds of watches do you like to wear?

  Generally speaking, I like to wear wristwatches. And of all the wristwatches, I prefer those metal ones with long, thin hour hands and minute hands. They are very firm and elegant. The only drawback is that they might be heavy. But it's totally OK for me.

  4. Do people still wear watches in your country?

  Yes, some people still wear watches in this country, but not all the people do. From what I've seen, most middle-aged businessmen consistently wear a watch, no matter where they are or what they are doing. The reason for this is, perhaps, that they always need to be aware of the time.


  substitute: 代替品

  a need for sth.: 对sth的需求

  punctual: 准时的

  exquisite: 精致的

  ornament: 装饰品

  strap: 带子(此处指表带)

  stem: 原意表示植物的茎,此处表示手表侧面的调整时间的转钮

  porcelain: 瓷的

  be in good condition: 状况良好

  hour hand: 时针

  minute hand: 分针



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