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  Do you prefer to study in a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds?

  Well, I guess on the whole I prefer to study in a quiet environment, the main reason being that I find it easier to concentrate, because noises or sounds tend to distract me. So in other words, I tend to get more work done when I can't hear anything around me. But saying that, I do occasionally like to listen to some music while I'm studying, because it can make it a little bit more enjoyable.


  Does your school have any quiet places for studying?

  Yeah, I guess I'm quite lucky in this respect, because there's a pretty big library on our campus with loads of desks for studying, and I'm always able to get quite a lot of work done there, as it's really nice and quiet.


  What natural sound do you like the most?

  That's an interesting question, and I'm not really that sure to be honest with you, but I guess I would probably say the natural sound I like most is that of waves hitting the seashore, because it's just really soothing, if you know what I mean. And it's a sound I only really get to hear when I'm on holiday, so I also probably associate it with being on holiday, which would be another reason why I like it so much!


  Are there any sounds that you dislike?

  Yeah, for sure! I mean, firstly, I really can't stand the sound of drilling, simply because it's just such a loud and unpleasant noise, so that would definitely be at the top of my list. And I guess the next one would be the sound of cars hooting, mainly because I hear it all the time where I live, and so it gets quite irritating after a while, especially when I'm trying to concentrate on something.


  Are you ever bothered by noise?

  Yeah, for sure, especially when I'm trying to get to sleep, you know, if there's a dog barking or something, it can really be quite maddening, but during the day I'd say I can put up with pretty much most noise, unless, of course, the noise is really loud and relentless, like if there's construction or renovation work going on around me.


  Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?

  That's a hard question, and I'm really not that sure to be honest with you, but I guess my feeling would be that they probably will get noisier, yeah, basically because if you compare the situation in cities now to what it was like 10 or 15 years ago, then it's obvious that cities have got a lot noisier, mainly, of course, due to the increase in traffic on the roads. So unless something changes, I would say that this trend is likely to continue into the future, unfortunately.


  What sounds remind you of your childhood?

  That's an interesting question, and I haven't really thought about this before, but off the top of my head, I would say that one sound that especially reminds me of my childhood is the sound of firecrackers, interestingly enough, because when I was young, I used to love setting off firecrackers with my friends, especially during the Spring Festival. So now when I hear firecrackers, it always brings back good memories of my childhood.


  And another sound I’ve just thought of would be the sound of morning exercises going on, because schools always play music through a microphone along with a voice counting the beat of the music, which students have to move along with. So whenever I walk past a school and hear the morning exercises going on, it always makes me think back to when I had to do them, and I'm glad I don't have to anymore!




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