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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  P2 Describe a quiz show you watch on TV that you are interested in attending

  P3 Do you like watching the quiz shows?

  Why some people dislike quiz show?

  What kind of people may attend the show?

  Do you think people all want to attend the show?

  Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television?

  Is quiz show popular in China?

  Why young people do not like quiz shows?

  Are there many competitions in everyday life?

  Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree?

  Do you think that people are born to be competitive?

  How to be a competitive person?

  Do you like watching the quiz shows?

  What kind of people may attend the show?

  Do you think people all want to attend the show?

  Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television?

  Do you think it is important for a company to be competitive?

  Do you think there should be legislation for the company competition?


  P2 describe a subject/course you liked when you were at secondary / high school ( what subject it was, how was the teacher like, how long did you study this subject and explain why you like this subject)

  P3 what subjects Chinese students learn in high school?

  If you like the subject, what will you do?

  If the students dislike the subject, what will the teacher do?

  In Chinese education, which subject is the most important?

  Do the teachers use technology to teach?

  What is the difference between college education and high school education?

  Which one should we focus on, academic research or practical research?

  How can teacher make students like the subject?

  Are there more male teachers or female teachers in primary school?

  Who is better, old teacher or young teacher?

  Is there any change of education this year?

  Do you have courses for taking sports?

  What makes a subject good or not?

  How does the modern technology positively and negatively influence education?

  What kind of majors do Chinese students choose?

  What should you consider when you are choosing a major?

  Do you think it’s good if parents help students choose majors?



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