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雅思口语part2&3事物类话题范文:A TV program

雅思口语part2&3事物类话题范文:A TV program

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  雅思口语part2&3事物类话题范文:A TV program

  A TV program


  Describe a TV program you like.

  You should say:

  What the TV program is

  How you know it

  What it is like

  Why you like it


  Do young people like to watch TV nowadays?

  What kind of TV programs do young people like to watch?

  Do you think TV will one day be replaced by computers?

  What do you think of TV advertisements?

  What TV programs are popular in your country?


  Recently, Zhejiang Satellite TV launched a new program called "The birth of actors". It is the competition of actors and actress through a play given by the program. I knew this program form Weibo. A lot of famous stars did a lot of propaganda before the program came out, which caught my eyes. However, when the program started to broadcast, there was negative criticism appearing on the Internet due to dozens of flaws it showed. In spite of these flaws, I still like this program.

  There are three main reasons why I like about this show. First, it shows the courage of famous stars to sharpen their skills. As we all know, the stars taking part in this program are faced with the pressure of acute criticism which they should not have been burdened with. Their will to pursue higher achievement pushes them to come to this program, which I admire a lot. Second, it shows the courage of Zhejiang Satellite TV to make innovation. "The birth of actors" is the first program aiming at the skills of actors in China, which means the extreme difficulty of keeping the program run well. Although there are lots of flaws waiting to be refined, Zhejiang Satellite TV provides experience for this new field with their own effort. Third, it shows the progress and reform of the entertainment industry. In the past few years, money and fame were the two things that most stars struggle for, which left a bad influence on the whole industry. The appearing of this program means the skills of the stars today are becoming more and more important. The unhealthy tendency of the entertainment industry will gradually be removed.

  This program is the sign of a better future for entertainment industry. I believe, with everyone's efforts, this industry will finally become the palace for actors and singers in high level.



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