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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  A website that you often use


  Describe a useful website that you often visit.

  You should say:

  what the contents of this website are;

  how you first found this website;

  how often you go to visit this website;

  and explain how this website helps you.


  Is the internet used very much by people in China?

  Some people say that different age groups have different tastes in internet

  content. What do you think?

  What Influence can (or, does) the Internet have on children? And what about teenagers?

  What (kinds of) people don't use the internet and what are the disadvantages that these people suffer because they don't use the internet?

  How do you think the internet might develop in the future?

  Do you think people can freely express their opinions on the internet?

  Have you ever bought anything on the internet?

  In China, is the internet used much in schools or colleges/universities?


  In recent years, online courses are becoming popular. Because of that, I have been starting to go online more often. Have you heard about Netease Open Class? That's the website I spend most of my time on.

  A course mate of mine was the one who first recommended it to me and I'm very grateful for him. By cooperating with well-known universities all over the globe, this website offers free online courses. You can even find some courses or lectures delivered by prestigious professors. To use the full function of this website, you first have to be a registered member and then you can access all the courses. Sometimes, I spend hours surfing and clicking there, just to listen to some of the talks or speeches. It's a platform that has allowed me to learn all kinds of things that I had never come across before. It's actually great news for those who aren't enrolled in their desired university, but want to attend certain courses or lesson delivered by a specific professor. There are constant updates and the universities upload some of their latest lessons onto the platform so that it's beneficial to more and more people.

  With modern technologies, knowledge can be spread in an easier and more efficient way. I'll keep using this website as long as it's available to the public.



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