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雅思口语part2&3事物类话题范文:Favorite magazine

雅思口语part2&3事物类话题范文:Favorite magazine

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  雅思口语part2&3事物类话题范文:Favorite magazine

  Your favorite magazine


  Describe a magazine you like to read.

  You should say:

  what it is;

  when and how often you like to read it;

  what the contents of the magazine are;

  and explain why you like this magazine.


  What kinds of magazines are the most popular?

  Do men like to read fashion magazines?

  Do people read magazines for fun or for learning?

  Do you like to read news magazines?

  Do you think journalists are subjective in their reports?


  I am crazy about an entertainment magazine that comes out every month. It has a bright, glossy cover and always contains a number of juicy articles. The magazine is a lot of fun, even though I don't believe most of the content is genuine. This magazine is extremely popular in my country and it is read by

  millions of youngsters.

  The magazine comes out once a month and it provides me with hours of entertainment. It has all the latest news, reviews, fashion tips and stories about the lives of stars. I buy it from a magazine stall at my school and then spend the next few hours lost in the pages.

  The content is aimed at teenagers or young adults and features movie stars, singers and other entertainers. It is also jam-packed with fashion tips and photos of the latest trends. What I like most, however, is the highly-entertaining gossip pages. They make me laugh because they are so outrageous and cannot always be trusted!

  I like the magazine as it represents a life so very different to reality and my own mundane life. I know that I will probably never be world famous or able to afford rich, luxury items. However, I find the makeup and fashion tips a while bucket load of fun. It is a form of escape for me and a fantasy world that provides me with a release of my stresses and anxiety.



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