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  A film or TV program that makes you laugh


  Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh

  You should say:

  What the program is

  When you watched it

  Who you watched it with

  Why it made you laughed


  Why do children like to laugh?

  Is laughing beneficial to children? How about old people?

  What do you do when you feel sad?

  What kinds of things do Chinese people do to be happy?

  Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children?


  The comedy I am going to tell you is called "Hello, Mr. Billionare". In it, a loser in life, who earned very little money and took a bribe to cheat in an amateur football match, was suddenly going to inherit a 20-billion-RMB heritage from a distant relative. But to get the money, he was required to spend 1 billion RMB in a month.

  I watched it on a Saturday last month. My roommate and I did not have any class that day and decided to waste ourselves. Since we got up, we had been playing our favorite game, "league of legends". By the late afternoon, we were exhausted and I felt like that I would throw up if I played one more minute.

  He proposed why not we went to the cinema and watched a film. I thought that was a good idea. We browsed all the options and found "Hello, Mr. Billionare". Its reviews were pretty good and got an 8.9 out of ten. We booked two tickets online and set out.

  What made me laugh is the dramatic change in people's attitude towards the man. They used to despise him. But after they learned about the news, they thronged to fawn upon him. His shortages suddenly became his strong points, which is quite ironic.



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