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  An interesting talk or lecture you heard recently


  Describe an interesting talk or lecture

  You should say:

  When you heard it

  Where you heard it

  What it was about

  And explain why you think it was interesting


  What kinds of people should be invited to give a speech?

  In what occasion would you be a good listener?

  Is listening to speeches important to children?

  Will Chinese people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?


  The speech was given by a manager in a place I was working. He was giving a speech to say goodbye to one of our colleagues who was leaving to set up as an independent consultant, but who had worked at the organization a very long time, perhaps forty years. Everyone was sad to see this person go, as they were very popular, but we all wished them well and understood why they felt they needed to move on. It was a reasonably big workforce, so about sixty of us had gathered in the open-plan office to say goodbye and present a gift to our departing friend and co-worker.

  I think sometimes 'leaving-do's' can be really awkward and embarrassing Everyone stands around self-consciously and there is an excruciating and brief 'goodbye and thank you' from the boss, and then everyone stares at the poor person who is leaving whilst they rip open and read a rapidly bought card and mumble their thanks for a rather anonymous gift. This, however, was different. Our manager had made a real effort to prepare a good speech that was funny, well-researched, engaging and genuinely affectionate.

  I think the speech was good because it involved everyone, shared funny (but not too private) stories that were relevant to the leaver, and the effort our boss had put into preparing it showed his respect and admiration for the colleague who was departing. The quiz also gave everyone something to talk about, so people could chat and mingle a bit after the presentation. It was also not too long! It held interest, and was appropriate for the context.



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